The Clear Connection

For example, [Love Metronome's] future plot development, this work's placement in the light novel industry, cross-media cooperation requirements, heroine theory, heroine explosion, etc… Even though they were talkative, topics. But two people confined to the same job feel like a writer and a book enthusiast.

Even so, Utaha still feels interesting.

The only unpleasant thing was that she often courted him, but was teased back.

Just as she was about to arrive at Sakurasou, the fountain in Midway Park, which seemed to herald the arrival of summer, and spewed out a torrent of water, she suddenly stopped involuntarily.

Looking at the clock, it was almost 4:30 p.m., and more and more pedestrians were walking on the street, most of them students after school.

When she arrived at Sakurasou, Utaha took a deep breath. She had been here for a long time, opened the door and walked into the entrance, but there was no change of shoes at the entrance.

"Not back yet?"

Utaha guessed and took the guest's slippers out of the shoe cupboard to change into, then went inside, hesitantly shouted: "Is anyone there?"

No one answered for a long time, and Sakurasou was very quiet, so she went straight to Asahi's room, but no one was there.

Dressed in a school uniform, she threw herself onto the bed, her long hair loose, and her black stockings rubbed against the blanket making a gurgling sound.

Utaha sniffed the room owner's breath, although she was not the least bit sassy.


With the blanket squeezed, Utaha's eyes were moist, and her cheeks were slightly flushed. After looking at her for so long, just touching her things, she had a faint tendency to lose control of herself.

Biting her lower lip, the temperature of her breath gradually increased.


"Does it take so many people to go to the supermarket?"

Outside of Sakurasou, Asahi remembers that the girls are going to make a big purchase today, so only one of them returns early.


Seeing a pair of leather shoes at the entrance, Asahi was quite confused. He came back and entered the house barefoot, and as soon as he arrived at the corridor, he heard a "voice" coming from his room.

Ryuunosuke had been observing the recent renovation of the studio. He looked in through the open door, and saw Utaha with her eyes closed, lying lazily and weakly in his bed, panting heavily.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier when you came? I thought it was a thief." Asahi opened the door and asked.


Jumped up by Asahi's sudden appearance, Utaha sat down nervously like a child caught doing something bad, her whole body tense and confused.

Upon noticing that it was Asahi at the door, Utaha paused, and her face turned red.

"You... why did you come back suddenly, without a sound at all."

Utaha instinctively vented her anger on Asahi, scaring her to death, but those charming, dripping eyes couldn't feel any sort of deterrence.

"Do I still need to report when I return from my own home?"

Asahi had some vague guesses as to why Utaha was so frantic.

He wasn't a naive child, he couldn't see through the girl's emotional appearance, but now he had to feign ignorance.

"You didn't hear that, did you?"

Utaha blushed and sounded like a mosquito.

Asahi made a confused expression: "What did I hear?"

"It's okay, I'm going to the bathroom."

Utaha stood in a duck sitting position, but when she got out of bed, she almost fell over in embarrassment because her legs were weak.

Seeing the girl leave the room as if running away, Asahi came to the edge of the bed and saw that the color somewhere was getting darker.

Twitching the corners of his mouth, he had nothing to say.

After more than 10 minutes, Utaha came back from the bathroom, and although her face was still red, it was much better than before.

He couldn't help but glance at Utaha out of the corner of his eye, and Asahi coughed lightly to break the silence in the room: "Yesterday you said you came to see me for something."

Utaha took a deep breath, looking forward to it, embarrassed and uneasy, and looked at him: "The last fifth volume: I have finished it. Before going to market, I want you to read it first, and I hope that the content will get your approval."


"From this ending, what can you feel and, what kind of answer do you want to give."

Utaha took out a printed manuscript from her bag as she spoke.

It wasn't very thick, and when Asahi picked it up, he could clearly see Utaha's right little finger trembling slightly. At this time, he is emotionally tense, regardless of gender.

Volume 4. He had read it, a few days before it was published last month, the plot was still in his mind, so when the first line of words was seen, he matched the previous plot with the current one.

Seeing him read a novel seriously, Utaha's heart seemed to be clenched with one hand, even breathing became difficult.

After that, the only sound in the room was that of flipping over, and Asahi read rapidly. Takes less than twenty seconds to read a page.

Time passed slowly, until after reading the last page, Asahi lifted his head.

Surprisingly, the ending isn't the real ending, but a plot where Sayuka confesses her heart to the protagonist Naoto.

Asahi had a prediction in his heart. Although there was a gap between what he the gap was not that big.


Utaha felt this was the most stressful time of her life.

Asahi pondered for a moment, and didn't speak for a while. After closing the manuscript, he paused word for word: "I may not give you the answer you want."

Utaha's face turned pale, and she reluctantly said: "Why?"

"I'm only asking one question, can you accept that I might be pestered by other girls?"

This kind of thing he said directly, there was no need to hide it.

Utaha was stunned, met Asahi's serious gaze, and a moment later she fell silent.

(What do you mean the other girl is that girl named Shiina Mashiro?) A thought crossed her mind, and Utaha couldn't answer now: "I..."

"Kasumigaoka Utaha, because I like you, I don't want to lie." Asahi said so.

Youko doesn't care how many women he has with people he is close to or has been exposed to, and Asahi is confident in facing Hina, same is with Mashiro, only Utaha is more difficult.

Her heart was disturbed by Asahi's blunt words.

(He likes me.)

Utaha only understood this sentence, and her pale face turned a little better.