The Three Princesses Who Finally Meet

Just after 7 a.m. the next morning, Kobato and Rikka came down the stairs carrying a small white suitcase and a black suitcase. The two little girls slept early last night, so they were full of energy at this time.

"Onii-chan! Wake up!"

Kobato immediately ran to Asahi's room to wake him up, but found Mashiro's figure under the bed.

Her face froze for a moment, Kobato saw Mashiro waking up with sleepy eyes and sleeping like a real white cat, her whole body in a bad mood.

"Hey, Kobato, what's wrong with you?"

Having just tiptoed out a carton of milk from the fridge, Rikka was very curious to see her friend's desperate look after she came out of Asahi's room.

Without answering, Kobato sat down on the sofa, feeling the reality that her older brother had finally been taken away by someone.

She knew that there was a certain level of intimacy between Mashiro and her big brother, but such a face-to-face meeting was unheard of.


Rikka turned from the edge of the sofa, glanced sideways at her.

"I'm fine."

Barely showing a smile, Kobato's busy look was very suspicious.

Soon, Asahi and Mashiro came out of the room, went upstairs, spent 10 minutes helping Mashiro pack her luggage, then went downstairs to accompany the two little girls out.

"Kobato, displeased"

Mashiro seemed to have realized something, deliberately slowing down to keep up with Kobato who was a few steps behind.


Kobato actually has a good impression of Mashiro, especially since she's not as threatening as Utaha and Nayuta.

"I will accompany Kobato."

Asahi knew his little sister's thoughts all too well, so he wanted to persuade Kobato properly based on his sincerity, but that might not be possible.

Mashiro went ahead with Rikka, Asahi came to his little sister, took the initiative to hold her hand and asked: "What's wrong with you suddenly being unhappy?"

"Humph." Kobato snorted in annoyance.

Noticing that his younger sister was sulking, Asahi smiled and said, "Onii-chan is with you these few days, okay?"

"Is it true?"

In order to untie the bell, the person who tied it must do so. As expected, Kobato reacted as soon as those words came out.

"When did Onii-chan lie to you?"


After two or three words, he persuaded his little sister well. Seeing Kobato jump forward to whisper to Rikka, Asahi couldn't help but shake his head.

After that, it was 7.45 am when everyone arrived at the train station.

Utaha and Nayuta were here, and at the same time, there was Hina standing five meters away from the two of them.

"Tsk, with so many things, are you going on a trip or something?"

Utaha was surprised when she saw Nayuta's big suitcase.

"Don't worry about me, hum, I've got plenty of decisive weapons!"

Nayuta proudly said: "I will definitely eliminate you on this trip!"

"Then I'll wait and see."

Don't think that you are the only one preparing it.

"Have you noticed that the woman next to you is very beautiful?"

Nayuta suddenly drew closer and whispered to Utaha.


Utaha raised her eyes and saw Hina, then lowered her head and agreed with her: "I am, but what does that have to do with you?"

"I wonder how to maintain such a good figure."

Nayuta was very confrontational, and compared to Utaha, she was completely at a disadvantage in terms of body.

"It's really boring, you should worry about that kind of thing."

Utaha compares her body to Hina's, and finds that she is comfortable.

The two of them had been waiting here since 7.25 am, just to prevent the other party from arriving earlier to seize the opportunity.

Nayuta puffed her mouth in dissatisfaction, feeling bored at the moment, so she had to talk to Utaha again: "Who do you think that beautiful lady is waiting for?"

"I don't know, and I don't want to know."

Utaha quickly ended the topic.

However, then she looked at Hina who was staring at her cell phone for texting out of the corner of her eye, and there was a hint of doubt in her eyes. She always had the feeling she had seen her somewhere before.

"Hmph, forget it if you don't want to talk to me, ah! How long will it take Senpai to come?"

Nayuta muttered loudly.

"Asahi and the others might still have time."

Utaha instinctively gave an answer, but she found that the woman suddenly raised her head and looked to the side after hearing it, hesitated for a moment and pulled her case.

"Hello, may I ask, are you also Asahi's friend?"

Hina felt like she must have heard the name right, so she came here to test it out, and her main targets were two beauties.

"Huh, you know Senpai?"

Nayuta's eyes immediately turned alert.

"If the senpai you mentioned is called Hasegawa Asahi." Hina smiled gently.

Utaha's gaze also became sharper, and she looked at Hina earnestly again: "You?"

"I'm Sensei at Asahi school."

Hina's smile didn't change.

"Oh, such a young Sensei!"

Nayuta heard it was the teacher and softened a bit: "My name is Kani Nayuta, just call me Nayuta, were you also taken for a walk by Senpai?"

"Um, I'm an apprentice Sensei who transferred into Asahi's class a few months ago, just call me Hina."

Hina is very feminine, tosses her long hair, and has a very friendly demeanor.

As a result, she became friendly with Nayuta in no time, and only Utaha was secretly looking at the two of them with an inexplicable expression, Nayuta was easily fooled, but she wasn't that stupid.

Will Asahi invite foreign women to join it on vacation? It is definitely not possible. This teacher must have a special relationship with Asahi.

On the surface, Utaha stepped forward and said hesitantly: "Boyfriend is taken care of."

After she finished speaking, she studied Hina's expression, and found no obvious changes, only a very ordinary surprise, which belonged to the kind of shock she felt when she found out that the student was in love.

Had she guessed wrong, Utaha would have frowned slightly.

"Tsk, this is only tentative, don't get too cocky."

Nayuta didn't want to look away: "Sooner or later, Senpai will see your essence clearly, and throw herself into my arms again."


Utaha didn't even bother arguing.

However, her attitude irritated Nayuta instead. If Utaha had reacted violently, she wouldn't have felt anything wrong, but the feeling that she wasn't taking her threat at all was too bad.

Is she really that weak?