Chapter 13

Cecil hopped down from the carriage that had brought him to the main campus grounds. There was a long stretch of road and flourishing gardens in between the gates of the academy and the main parts of campus.

He marched furiously to his room, loosening the buttons of his overcoat and undoing his cravat. He hadn't even been inside his dorm room yet, he just sent his luggage off to his dorm and went back out to try and curry favor with the press.

He had no intentions of letting this slight go, this was supposed to be his big chance to support his father in his quest to achieve a noble title. He planned to get back at Prince Henri.

Cecil didn't intend to do anything drastic, just little build ups that would eventually ruin his oh-so precious image. Although the media weren't allowed on campus grounds, they had ears on the inside in the form of tutors and professors, and even the occasional student.

Cecil was certain that whatever scandal that involved the Prince would gain traction and he was counting on that to be the backbone of his plans. Gradually, Cecil would chip away at the majestic image that the public had of Prince Henri and he knew just the perfect way to start it off.

He smiled deviously to himself and he walked up the stairs, he just needed to get out of his stuffy clothes, then he would make a few arrangements. 

Cecil walked down a hallway on the second floor of the dorms, pausing when he stumbled onto a group of three boys ganging up against just one single boy.

The three students looked to be seniors and it was rather odd for them to be in the year one dorms, not to mention for them to go out of their way to intimidate a freshman. It was none of Cecil's business though so he just walked past them and continued his journey.

He had no personal animosity towards the Prince, the Prince was merely in his way… He went over his plan in his head again, looking particularly pleased with himself.

His confident smile faded slightly when he noticed that he had been followed for a while now, at first he paid no mind to it because it was possible to coincidentally follow similar paths with a total stranger but he was right in front of his dorm room and he was still being followed.

"Can I help you?" He snarked at the student, his hand on the door handle.

The stalker moved even closer so that he was standing right beside Cecil. "Yes, you're in my way." He answered calmly.

This made Cecil irritated for no particular reason, it didn't help that the Alpha had a good couple of inches on him too. Cecil was by no means a short Alpha, he was well above average height but he was dwarved by the stalker.

"What do you mean? This is my dorm room." He proudly stated, giving the taller Alpha the stink-eye.

"It's also mine, did you forget that its two students to a room?" The taller Alpha said with a slight smile, leaning down slightly. "My name is Alois, I'm your roommate."

Cecil blinked in disbelief for a few seconds before grudgingly opening the door. He could almost swear that he had a different roommate earlier.

"Cecil." He muttered, grumpy.

Alois followed him inside the dorm room and closed the door behind him. "Nice to meet you." He smiled, making small talk.

Cecil just gave him a distrustful glare, "Just because we're roommates doesn't mean that I'm obliged to hold a conversation with you." He snapped, looking at his stalker- no, roommate with new eyes.

Alois was unbelievably tall for a seventeen year old, it was very obvious even though he tended to slouch a bit. He seemed to originally have blond or light hair but it was stained blue-green which made his dark green eyes stand out. What was jarring about Alois' build wasn't that he was tall, it was that he was well built. 

'Was he in the military or something?'

Next to him, Cecil felt like he paled in comparison. He had boring brown hair which he bleached because blond hair was more regal and dark brown eyes. His physique was nothing special as well, considering that his father only cared about smarts and connections so he didn't put a lot of effort into anything else.

"Very well." Alois accepted, walking off to his wardrobe.

The dorm room was more or less divided into two, it was replicated on both sides with separate bathrooms so even though they were roommates, they could do without communicating with each other at all.

Alois took off his overcoat and then his waist coat, casually undressing like he was all alone in the room.

Cecil felt a little stupid just staring at him so he also took off his overcoat and his waist coat, leaving his dorm in just his dark-red dress shirt. 

Before he left though, Alois had already taken off his own dress shirt and without meaning to, Cecil glanced in his direction on his way out. He was met with Alois' unwavering gaze which made him panic slightly and hurry out.

Embarrassment burned and left the ashes of indignation behind, he already didn't like his new roommate, would anything go right for him today?

Cecil leaned against the closed door for a few seconds to regain his bearings. He had seen nothing but Alois' dark green eyes but for some reason he felt mortified.

They were both boys sharing a room, it's not like he was ogling him so why did he feel guilty like he had done something wrong?

He shook those unimportant thoughts from his head, it was definitely because Alois unsettled him and nothing more. What he should be paying attention to right then should be how to properly execute his plan. First, he would need to pay a few people a visit.