Chapter 16

Henri could only take a deep breath after getting to the safety of his room, and once again, he was grateful that his mother had gone through the trouble of arranging a special room just for him.

His trip back was even worse because there were more people waiting to ambush him in the hallways and on the stairs. Answering their irritating questions was no better because they just asked more.

'What was their business who he was going to end up with? It certainly wasn't any of them so why did they keep sticking their nose in his business?'

He also didn't answer their questions about if his future mate would be an Alpha or an Omega because he didn't know either, he had never thought of it before and he wasn't going to start to do so now for their sake.

Luckily, there wasn't a crowd of them waiting for him in front of his dorm room, perhaps rules had been put in place to prevent this? He wouldn't probe too deeply.

Henri took off his waistcoat and boots after settling in, the attendant was long gone and it was finally quiet. He hoped that the excitement of him attending the academy would soon wane so he could actually enjoy his time here.

A few minutes later, he sat dejected at a carved circular table in his room, glumly munching on scones and drinking iced tea that was surprisingly delicious. The cooks hadn't wanted his tea to cool down before he got back to his room so they gave him iced tea instead.

His midday snack wasn't worth the trouble and he was relieved that he would never have to go through that again. There was more than he could possibly finish at once so he considered taking a nap first and eating the rest later, but by then the snacks would be less appetizing.

His next-door neighbors wouldn't mind a basket of snacks, would they? There was no one else for him to give it to, the three monsters wouldn't be back till dinnertime or they would have been the perfect candidates.

Henri decided to offer the rest of his snacks to his next-door neighbors, reminding himself of the reason why he was sent to the academy.

Someone else other than the orange-haired Alpha opened the door, Henri was guessing that this was Jann. "Would you like some snacks?" He asked awkwardly, limply holding out the basket.

"Jann!" Another voice came from inside the dorm room. "Who is it?" The voice sounded even closer like the owner was walking towards them.

Jann just stared at Henri with blank eyes and a gaping mouth. "It's the Prince…"

"Oh, hi Henri, do you need something?" The orange-haired Alpha shoved his head through the door to ask.

Jann jokingly tried to push his head back in. "You know him, Cedric?"

Cedric shot his roommate an irritable look. "I told you earlier that he stays in the next room."

"Would you like some snacks?" Henri repeated, half wanting to turn around and just walk away.

Stars sparked in Cedric's eyes at this. "Really?"

"Yes, I was given more than I could eat down at the cafeteria." Henri glanced down, casual conversations were incredibly nerve-wracking.

Jann reached out like he wanted to ruffle the Prince's hair but Cedric quickly whacked his hand away, causing Henri to look up in confusion.

"We'll take it." Cedric accepted, taking the wicker basket from Henri's hands. "Thanks!" He waved him off, dragging his roommate inside the dorm room with him.

Henri frowned, wondering what that was all about as he made his way back to his room.

In the next room, Cedric had Jann in a chokehold, ignoring his roommates' frantic taps for surrender. "Ruffling my hair is fine but keep your grubby hands from Prince Henri's hair." He scolded him seriously. "Are you trying to get us both thrown in prison?"

"Ce-Ce… dric…" Jann choked, his face red.

Cedric finally let him go and Jann rolled to the ground, gasping for air. "S-Says the person that refers casually to him." He quipped, hacking. "Were you trying to kill me?"

Cedric scoffed, a smug look on his face. "That's because Henri gave me permission to…" He trailed off when he saw Jann inching for the basket that they had been given, he grabbed onto his leg and pulled him back so he would get to the basket first.

Jann moved quickly, latching onto Cedric's legs and pulling him down so that they were both on the ground. Cedric's response to this was a foot in Jann's face, shoving his roommate backward.

Jann was slowed down a bit by that which gave Cedric a chance to hurry forward on his hands and knees, only for Jann to grab him by the waist and throw him backward, rushing for the basket himself.

Cedric didn't let him get away, going for a running start to jump and belly flop on Jann much to his screams of horror.

The walls were very thick so Henri was oblivious to the violent struggle his thoughtful basket of snacks had caused as he got ready for a peaceful nap.

He would send a letter to his mother tomorrow because she had asked him to. She asked that he send at least one letter every week because the academy didn't allow her to pay him any visits.

It was early afternoon and he was sated but maybe it was because he could hear the faint noises of other students, he had a hard time falling asleep. Although it was something he would be doing often considering that he had no plans to do anything else.

Would that be possible though? Spending his entire year just going for a few lectures a day? It would make his other skills very rusty, not to mention that he would be terribly bored.

Maybe the clubs weren't such a bad idea, in such a prestigious school, a horse riding club was a necessity. He could find one or two clubs to keep himself occupied.