Chapter 34

Cecil laid face down on Alois' bed, resting on his knees and wearing only his dress shirt, underwear, and socks. He couldn't believe the other Alpha, he had rid Cecil of the ability to walk and then just walked out smiling.

Cecil hadn't been expecting Alois to actually go through with the spanking, right up till the moment he was pulled over Alois' legs, he still believed it was a prank.

He buried his face in the sheets and let out a soft groan, for someone who was claiming to help, he did not hit Cecil softly at all. 

Cecil didn't cry at all, his lashes were merely clumped together from the trauma he was put through. He was naive to put any amount of trust in Alois because that's how he ended up on Alois' bed, unable to move, his bottom bruised.

He wasn't sure where Alois went but Cecil had no intention of remaining here till he returned, that would be courting the devil.