Chapter 53

Henri was pleasantly surprised when all three of the monsters showed up to dinner, and even better, they had Errol with them.

Louis had been in an odd mood ever since he came to pick up Henri for dinner so it was nice to talk to someone else that didn't zone out every other minute.

Henri thought about bringing up his encounter with Seton in his conversation with Errol but something about the vacant look in the slender Alpha's eyes made him discard the thought. There was no reason to ruin a perfectly peaceful dinner.

Conversation flowed at the table, there was much to talk about considering that most of them had just completed their first proper day in college.

It was a nice change of pace from the kind of day he had. To make it even better, Audie and Valentin went off after dinner, neither of them making a move to hang off Henri's arms and follow him to his dorm room.