Chapter 55

The new dorm room turned out to be at the very edge of the third hallway to the left; Errol looked to Nael when they got to the door that matched the number on the key tag given to Errol.

Nael took the lead without question and tried the door much to Errol's panic.

"Huh, it's locked," Nael noted. "It would seem your new roommate is an early riser."

Errol couldn't even find it in him to scold the impulsive Alpha, handing the key over to Nael who unlocked the door right away.

After getting a proper look at the room, it was instantly obvious that Errol had been given a room all to himself.

It couldn't have hurt for the support staff to let him know that tiny little tidbit, would it?

The dorm room was all cleaned up so all that was left was for Errol to move in. It was better than he had been hoping for because he wasn't sure he could handle another roommate.