Chapter 68

Cecil sat on one of the tree stumps that were at their campsite, there were a number of them and they made for good makeshift stools.

He was bent over, drawing squiggles on the ground with a stick while Alois with the help of Terrell and two other Alphas started a fire to roast the fishes caught when Perry walked over.

Cecil straightened up, a questioning look in his eyes when the Alpha squinted at him.

"Is that a bug bite, Cecil?" He asked, leaning closer. "Do you need bug repellant spray?"

Cecil's first reaction was to frown because he hadn't been bitten by anything then the realization hit and he slapped a hand over it.

"Maybe you should." Alois chimed in, a small smile on his face. "There are lots of bugs in the forest after all."

Cecil glared at him, the only bug he had issues with was an Alpha-sized one but he doubted that Perry had any bug-repellant spray that would work.