Chapter 77

He couldn't possibly share a tent with Alois for three nights! The Alpha had criminal tendencies, he wouldn't survive it.

But he had to stick up to his position as the captain and take the fall, as terrifying as that sounded.

"Why do I have to let you sleep over with me for the rest of the field trip?" He complained, glaring at Alois who was far too giddy for comfort.

"I get to sleep over with you for the rest of the trip?" Alois mimicked, sparks flying out of his dark green eyes.

Cecil froze, realizing his blunder. "W-Wait..."

"But you're roommates, it shouldn't be too hard!" Leeson called from the entrance to his own tent, he had just returned from washing the soot off him with Perry in tow.

"I don't mind Alois sharing my tent..." Perry started to offer but Leeson just pushed him inside his tent.

"He kicks, you don't want any of that. Goodnight boss." He waved at Cecil, entering his own tent.