Chapter 110

Henri frowned as he did a quick sweep of the ballroom for the umpteenth time and still couldn't find either Dio or Louis. He had intended on getting something to eat and had gotten distracted by searching for his friends.

He changed his search to the others and the only pair he found was Audie and Valentin, Errol and Nael were also nowhere to be found. 'Just where did all his friends go?' Fortunately, he had been left alone by the other students, most too intimidated to approach him.

Somehow he knew that all his friends would be fine so he wasn't worried about them, walking over to the food area where finger foods were laid out on a wide table. He took a plate and took as much as he wanted, and by the time he found his way back to the table, Louis and Dio were already back.

"Where did you both go?" He asked, taking a seat.

They both shared a look and gave noncommittal shrugs.