Chapter 124

Dio took his time returning to his mansion. He spent so long at Louis' house that he had his own room there, although whenever he was over he always stayed in Louis' room.

He had never seen Louis' dad because his parents had separated just before he met Louis. Louis also had a younger sister that had died as a baby from a terminal illness, the separation happened because of this.

Louis and Gisèle didn't talk about her or their estranged father and husband and Dio didn't ask any questions, although he knew that they would certainly open up to him if he asked. It was the same way neither of them asked him the details of how he lived after his parents' death.

They all already knew, and making the person they cared about relieve such a terrible time was no fun for anyone. It wasn't that they were bottling up their pain but that they had already moved past it and were now in better places.