Chapter 129

Jac had the presence of mind to look sheepish while Audie had already moved on to the next thing that caught his eye.

"That carriage looks interesting," He noted, pointing at a lavish carriage that had just ridden up.

He unwittingly caught the attention of the others and they all looked to see who would emerge from the carriage. Could it perhaps be another noble?

It was a single carriage, a footman dressed in livery hurrying down to open the door.

An unfamiliar Alpha stepped out of the carriage dressed in the academy's uniform. The dark blue of his uniform showed him to be in the same year as the others.

"Do you know who he is?" Errol asked despite himself.

The other three shrugged, indicating that they had no idea.

"Maybe he's a transfer student like I am," Jac pointed out, touching his hair which was cut really short in a military style.