A fellow fairy furry comes along in a rush with a bunch of party decorations and accidentally bumps into Blueberrii.
She had vibrant yellow hair, a big floating ponytail and wore clothes of green.
"Oh, I'm so sorry I didn't mean to." She said in a stumbly manner. She looked up and her face was confused. "Hm, I don't recognize you, are you new here?" Said the fairy.
Blueberrii nodded whilst picking up the dropped party appliances. "Yay! A new friend! I love your blue hair! It reminds me of a big sparkly ocean! My birth name name is Jesstar, but people call me Jess." Said the fairy.
"I know I'm a fairy, but unfortunately, doctors state no fairy furry has actually been able to fly yet, so I will await for that day patiently. Anyway enough about me, what about you?"
"Nice to meet you Jess, I'm Blueberrii and yes I'm new to Everwood." Blueberrii responded. Miles explained everything to Jess about Scarlet and how they ended up here.
"Oh, that really is a shame... But don't worry, we are far from Scarlet now!" Jess replied. Blueberrii sighed. Both she and Miles knew this might not be the end of her misery.
Suddenly, a girl with cat furry features appeared. She had purple hair with long bouncy bangs that covered her eyes and short hair on the back of her head.
"Hello Blueberrii... Miles." she spoke in an exhausted, moody manner and looked young. "Hello?" Miles responded. Miles had been in Everwood for quite a while and rarely saw the mysterious furry around much.
"I have been watching you two for a while now." said the cat.
Blueberrii and Miles looked to each other in confusion.
"I'm Vivianne. I saw everything. When I saw the smoke, I was just around the scene by some trees watching from a distance since Florian put me on hunting duty. I listened to all your conversations on your way here and followed you back to Everwood unseen." said the cat.
She gave off a quiet lingeringly vibe but seemed willing to investigate Blueberrii's situation.
"Oh... so do you want to help comfort Blueberrii with us?" Jess asked. "That sounds nice. She quite reminds me of myself." Vivianne responded.
She told Blueberrii her story. Vivianne was just a baby when her mother left her in scorn of her looks. After her father raised her for one more year by himself, he grew into a great sorrow and put Vivianne in an orphanage home because he couldn't find himself able to take care of her anymore out of all the depression of losing his wife and having much debt to pay off and to him Vivianne was holding him back. Which is when Vivianne snuck into the forest and was found crying alone by a cat furry called Axel and recruited to Everwood where she stayed for a whole year now and still knows not what happened to her father.
Blueberrii wiped the tears off her face after Vivianne had concluded telling her backstory. "I'm so sorry that had to happened to you but don't worry we all can stay here together. Blueberrii said. "I heard my name called, what are you losers up to?" said a cat furry.
He had dark blue hair with dark green hair parted for his bangs with dark blue eyes.
"Axel, you're always so mean all the time!" Jess exclaimed. Blueberrii then learned the cat was Axel.
"If you four plan on making noise through Everwood for the rest of my life, leave me out of it!" Axel threatened.
"That's a great idea! We can make a pact!" Blueberrii said.
Then, all of them except for Axel, agreed that from this point on Blueberrii, Miles, Jess and Vivianne will be at each other's sides if any of them were going through something.
Blueberrii walked around with Miles, Jess and Vivianne and she saw many interesting hobbies and events.
She then saw some furries with bows and arrows shooting targets. "What's that?" Blueberrii asked pointing to them. "Those are the hunting furries, they go out and collect us food and water to drink." Jess explained.
Blueberrii was scared to confront anyone and didn't want to upset another person after the incident, but Jess encouraged her to go either way. "This is Dante, he's the best hunter there is!" Jess giggled.
Dante was a wolf furry just like Blueberrii and he had dark brown hair and focused light blue eyes. "Alright I'm not that good at hunting, Jess... wait am I...?" Dante replied. "He's skeptical about everything, don't worry about it." Miles told Blueberrii. "Nice to meet you, Dante!" Blueberrii greeted. Dante tipped his respect to her by shooting an arrow on the target and then she went to explore Everwood more.
She skipped along tracks until running into a bunny boy working with some grass. He had shiny stylish lock of gold hair and orange eyes. "Why are you playing with the dirty grass?" She asked. "I'm not playing with grass, I'm picking herbs for my new soup recipe." The bunny furry scorned. "Grass tastes bad, I've tried it before." Vivianne cringed. "Shush, Vii! Hello blue wolf, my name is Florian." The bunny furry entailed. "And I'm a cook who works as a gardener as a little side hobbie." "He planted all the herbs around Everwood and still calls it a hobbie, funny..." Miles scoffed.
They all then went on to meet farmers in Everwood, builders in Everwood and visit school filled with young furries to get educated by Miss Jenny.
Blueberrii got assigned her own room, and got to pick her own outfit type to wear. Krystal helped her find the right outfit.
"I see you like bows." Krystal said while glancing at Blueberrii's torn red hair-bow. "Oh no!" Blueberrii yelped while feeling her bow. She took it off and watched how destroyed it got from the fire. Her eyes started to water in sadness as it was her favorite bow. "Don't cry, Blueberrii. We'll get you a bigger better one!" Miles comforted.
Krystal had a look at the bow, then went to a cupboard where she kept bows and ribbons. She returned with a new bow and asked, "Would this do?"
Blueberrii's face lit up with excitement. The bow was big, bouncy and vibrantly red. "I love it! I love it! Thank you so much!" Blueberrii squealed. Krystal then tied the bow and made a cute tiny ponytail with it at the back of Blueberrii's head. "Wow, you look amazing!" Miles complimented Blueberrii.
"Now, what would you like for clothes?" Krystal asked. Blueberrii looked around the store, then watched Miles' clothes. "What's that?" Blueberrii asked pointing to Miles' hoodie. "It's a hoodie, it folds above your head like this." Miles said whilst folding his hoodie. "Wow! Looks cool!" Blueberrii said. "Can I have one of those?" "What's your favorite color, dear?" Krystal inquired. "Red, a lotta' red!" Blueberrii giggled.
Krystal then got a red hoodie from her wardrobe and Blueberrii tried it on. Her friends cheered in excitement for her new look. For once in many years, Blueberrii actually felt like she was free to be herself.