While at the Heavenly Palace, Andrew gathered all the employees in the room they used as a dining room or whatever activity required them to meet, such as when Andrew needed to make an announcement.

Obviously, the guards were not included in this meeting, as they were on duty guarding the facility, Oliver would then comment to them on whatever was announced. 

The Shadow members were also not present. As such they did not expose themselves to the other staff members of the Heavenly Palace, they only appeared in front of Oliver, Andrew, and their wives, however, those who were not on some mission outside the facility, were hidden in the shadows listening to the announcement.

All the employees of the Heavenly Palace were already assembled when Andrew in the company of his wives, Oliver and Castor entered the room. They were all curious about Castor, as many of them had seen him when he arrived and those who had not seen him had already heard of him.