While Andrew and Candice were talking in the office, Victor led Nadila to the room where the courtesans were meeting to perform their morning exercises, under Sonia's guidance.

At first, Andrew had taught them to perform simple exercises such as squats, sit-ups, and similars, as a method of strengthening and toning the body, but Andrew was not an expert on the subject, so he gave them a somewhat simple guide.

Although simple it was effective because the objective was achieved, however, as time went by these exercises could create muscle, which was not ideal for courtesans.

They had to be fit, but to maintain their delicate and soft image if they kept practicing in this way, their body would gain muscle mass and a muscular courtesan is not very attractive.

For this reason, some time ago he had spent some points on buying a more professional and effective exercise guide for what he wanted to achieve. Unexpectedly, the closest thing was yoga.