The day went smoothly and soon it was time to meet Candice. Andrew and the others had already made all the necessary preparations, although they believed that nothing would go wrong.

Since it was an important event and they were going to a high-class restaurant, Andrew could not walk there as he usually did when he left the Heavenly Palace, so he took a carriage with Oliver.

Marie followed them in the shadows, but when they arrived at the restaurant The Thousand Delights, the girl lost her purpose, because it was impossible for her to infiltrate the restaurant.

When Oliver arrived, he noticed at least 5 experts of Castor's level and one close to his level. While none of them could defeat him, if they all joined together, Oliver wouldn't stand a chance.

When Oliver told this to Andrew, he couldn't help but be surprised at the strength that resided in the restaurant and his expression was serious, as he didn't know if Candice was planning any tricks.