As they were getting dressed, Helena suddenly began to say, "My love, I know you're trying to please those who won't be joining you for the night, but I think it's a little unfair to Candice, who is always out."

Helena's words surprised Andrew because he never expected one of his wives to understand his intent. He had expected them to believe that he had just become more active, but he was naive, Helena is quite perceptive and observant, so she noticed.

"Do you think it's wrong?" asked Andrew and Helena replied, "I don't think it's wrong, but like I said, Candice is always working outside during the day, so she doesn't enjoy this treatment I think it's a little unfair to her."

Andrew understood Helena's point but didn't know what to do, so seeking enlightenment he asked, "What do you think I should do?", and as if Helena had already been thinking this for a while she replied, "Make Candice not leave the Heavenly Palace."