Going back in time a little, before Andrew took the entire staff of Cannaris Palace to Dunnas Palace, he made a short trip that he had to take. He had not visited his other pleasure house, Paradise's for a long time.

Like his Cannaris Palace, Paradise was suffering losses due to the low influx of clients, but Candice had managed to keep it afloat thanks to her financial capacity.

Unfortunately, this situation would not improve anytime soon, in fact, it would get worse, but if Dunnas Palace started operating, they would have more capital to support both businesses, however, Nadila was unaware of Andrew's plans, so while she was being supported by Candice, she was still worried.

Andrew decided to visit her before leaving for Dunnas Palace in order to reassure her and explain his plans. Although Nadila is not one of his wives, she is a courtesan with the corresponding seal, so in a way, she is one of his women, despite not having as many benefits.