Things seemed to have calmed down and started moving in the right direction, but the reality was that beneath this calm, a lot was going on. The demigods were actively searching for the members of Purgatorio and the traitor dragon Carcom. Crhono had sent his dragons to keep an eye on them to prevent them from going too far.

The members of Purgatorio were hiding like rats in the sewers avoiding being found, which they had largely succeeded in doing and even Dustas in Tripia was carrying out his plans to expose them.

Many forces were chasing each other. All with their selfish goals, but many aligned. Almost everyone had Purgatorio and Carcom as enemies, so they focused on that.

The outlier was the angels. Samanuel and his companions after receiving the fertility matrix from Andrew, returned to their territory. The angels had settled in an isolated forested mountain.