While things were moving in the right direction in Cannes, in faraway places on the continent, more specifically, in sacred places, Crhono, Sohei, and Draneg were searching for the necessary elements for the youth dew.
Although they are known as sacred places, they were unprotected. They were considered sacred, as they were the places where several gods died during the war a thousand years ago. Although their bodies were no longer in those places, having died in those places, their blood and divinity were spread, so they had an abundance of power.
This accumulation of energy has caused many plants and minerals to mutate over the centuries, so if there was any place where the materials Andrew needed for the youth dew could be obtained, it was these places.
Although these places have a large amount of accumulated energy, which would serve to strengthen the demigods, none had occupied these places and it was not out of respect for the deceased gods.