Death and God

My name is Sean. I always had a perfect memory, be it a movie, book or game, whatever happened, I only had to watch/read/play 1X. And school wasn't any different, graduated high school by 8 and college by 10, a perfect memory made all that possible, along with fatal insomnia so I never slept, I had all the time in the world to read my books and graduated as early as anyone would let me.

After graduation I started my 1st job which they tried to say I was to young, but graduating with my Associates, Bachelors AND Masters in 2 years time made them shut up and higher me since I had the highest education of anyone in the company. I made good money and since all my schooling was scholarships I owed nothing to any debts, so I kept everything, my parents even had it all put into high interest annuities that would time out after my 18th birthday so I earned even more and they never asked for anything.

I started devising new technology that the company was unable to pull into their ownership since I was still under 18 and couldn't be held under a contract, so they made a deal with me and i with them. Anything I invented, they would make and I would receive a portion of the sales, 15% to be exact. They couldn't go any lower because I could go to Apple or Microsoft and receive better and a position. This ensured that within 1 year they would be on par with the. ingest companies on Earth.

My inventions included true hologram technology and implant bio-nano technology that would heal any damage to the human body without invasive surgery. This tech had to be broken because I knew that if it were not it could lead down a path of immortality. But the most purchased product I created was a contact that was interactive and improved eyesight so well that it integrated night vision and thermal vision into them, the US military went NUTS for this and even after the company's cut, my portion was in the Billions of dollars per year for this 1 product alone, they only asked that the thermal vision and night vision not be available on the open market for "reasons" which I agreed with.

My life was going amazingly, I was 20, had trillions of USD to my name making me the richest person on the planet and I used it to help the homeless and Veterans since my country was shit at it. Free food and injections of my bio-nanos that even removed cancer and cured eyesight for anyone that wore glasses.

I was loved by everyone for bringing this tech to the world.....or so I thought.

I pulled up to my parents house to have dinner since I hadn't seen them in almost 6 months, halfway to the door with my parents standing there waiting for me and my military escort in the car behind making sure I made it inside safety, under the adamant insistence of the US Government, I was struck by a bolt of lightning so powerful that nothing was left of my body, not even ash.....

Next thing I know I'm in front of a being made of light looking down on me with what I can only assume is a look of trepidation and apology....



" I'm dead." I stated blankly

"Yes, and would you like to know the reason why?" the being said

"I suppose I should know. But first, who are you?" I asked genuinely curious

"Oh, you're responding to death remarkably well, you my call me Creator. I have no other name, I made The Presence and The One Above All, both of whom you have heard of, but they are only 2 of thousands. But you may call me C." the being I now new was C stated

"Oh, Omniverse!" I stated enthusiastically

"Yes, a truly infinite number of universes, however, what most people do not know is there are and infinite number of omniverses with an infinite number of universes within each and every 1 of said omniverses. And every time somebody dies they are reincarnated into their own Omniverse. So naturally you should know where this is going, but I digress. you were 'retired' early because your karma levels were beyond maxed out. You helped your humanity so much that your karma filled up like filling a cup with the ocean. Normally people get a drop or to at a time, you on the other had kept getting interest for saving good people that would have otherwise died and they went on to do great things because of you, even your military contributions accrued more interested than you lost from it due to innocent lives being spared where they would have normally been lost as 'acceptable casualties'." C stated seemingly impressed

"How did theat 'retire me early'?" I asked

"Whenever anyone dies from your Earth, being from the 1st universe I created and therefore has no afterlife since it was my learning template so to speak, I reincarnate or transmigrate them as long as they've gathered enough good karma, which you have done beyond the acceptable standards. Normally when someone dies with maxed out karma, which has only happened 3X since I started doing this, they can be reincarnated with 3 wishes and their choice od world/worlds if they choose an multiverse 'function'. And you have gone WELL beyond your cup." C informed me

"I get it. so if 'maxed' is 3 wishes and their choice of world, what is less?" I asked

"They get anything from fewer wishes to spinning a wheel that will land on a random world that they know at least 15% about when it comes to the books/movies/shows, or both." C stated

"So what about me?" I asked

"You get a choice, 3 unlimited wishes or 10 regular wishes, and multiversal travel is guaranteed along with perked for each world that you will go to, such as mind reading protection from the Twilight vampires which you will be given anyway since many different worlds can read minds so I'm just using that 1 as an example." said C

"....isn't that a bit OP??" I asked

"...I'm actually reducing what I am supposed to give you because it's just to much that you've made in karma." C said

"....OK, I guess I get it.....can I propose a counter offer?" I asked

"I can always hear it before telling you yes or no." C said seemingly intrigued

"Can I do 3 regular wishes here and 3 regular wishes for each new world I go to?" I asked

"...that's actually a good alternative, unfortunately it's to much even taking into account that you'll be in each world for at least a decade...I can do 3 now and 2 per new world...BUT you'll have to use the wishes within 1 year of entering the new world otherwise it will have to be carried over to the next new world, if you want them to be used whenever it will be 2 now and 1 per world." C decided

"I'll go with 3 now and 2 per world if you can add in a stipulation for using 1 of my accrued wishes to 'save' myself if I'm about to die in that world but I'm no longer allowed to enter that world, even an AU version of it." I said

"...since you've put a stipulation on yourself with that it won't be a wish, but I'm assuming it has something to do with 1 of your wishes?" C asked

"Yes sir C" I said

"Very good, then let's get on with it. 1st, which world will you start with then with your wishes." C said

"Let see, for my first world I'll start with....."