

My fist landed on Darkseids chin with enough force to create a crater 10 feet deep on the ground, and we were floating right above the ground since that improved our maneuverability while fighting since the ground can't handle us when we get serious. Darkseid went zooming away from me at a 45° angle since he was able to lift his head at the last second, preventing a direct hit.

After a quarter mile he managed to stop his ascent and right himself looking at me with what can only be described as murder in his eyes. "A Kryptonian-magi, I thought I purged this universe of your kind." Darkseid said with a hint of fear.

"Are you saying that YOU destroyed Krypton? If so, I may have to take this seriously. After all, I was 17 when Krypton was destroyed" pointing over my shoulder at Kal-El "He was not even a full day old." I said calmly, to calmly for everyone here to not notice

"Of course I did it, your people never suspected it was me. I set a portal to the core of Krypton, stealing the core materials for my own planets core. To bad for your people, they were to dangerous to be left alive since they refused my generous offer to be my slaves." Darkseid said

"I thought Krypton was destroyed because they were draining the core themselves." Superman said

"That's what they were supposed to think, they were only taking the residual energies. They weren't endangering the planet at all. I just had the perfect excuse to end the biggest threat to my rule without anyone finding out. But I came to find out that 1 Kryonian survived. Lucky for him he wasn't a Magi otherwise I would have ended his life YEARS ago." Darkseid said

Actually starting to show some emotion "Why? Why would you end all the people on an entire planet?!" Superman said slowly raising his voice (understand that the Kryptonian invasion hasn't happened yet and while he doesn't care to much for the people of Krypton, he still has the AI copies of both his parents with their voices, so this is actually hitting him pretty hard realizing that his parents deaths and his not getting to know them was caused by the being right in front of him

"Your people were given the chance to serve Darkseid, there is no greater honor in the universe. But they refused, and I could not allow them to continue to live as there are few being in this universe on the same level as me" Darkseid said while eyeing me from the corner of his eye, "but 1 Kryptonian alone can come pretty close to fighting me evenly, so long as they are under a yellow Sun. But an entire race of your kind had to be eradicated, not to mention the Kryptonian-magi, which even 1 is beyond even my capabilities under a yellow Sun. I had a chance to end a possible future threat and I took it." Darkseid said like it was only common sense

Superman and i looked at each other, understanding each other and coming to an agreement at the same time.

"Cyborg, Aquaman and Diana, come take care of these cubes. Se-An and I will be taking this guy on by ourselves from this point." Superman said

"Batman & G L, work together to protect them from any Parademons that come at them, we're going to be to distracted to help you. Just make sure to stay out of our way." I said with zero emotion in my voice

After they took over Superman stepped next to me and we just stared at Darkseid as I told him "I'm not going to hold back on him. If I have the ability, he will die on this planet today."

"I know I shouldn't, but I'm sure he'll do the same to this planet as he did to Krypton, this i cant allow." Superman said as our emotions started to rise "and he's the reason we're the last of our kind." he whispered

Those words were all that were needed as our eyes started to glow, his red and mine blue. (regular Kryptonian heat vision is red but Kryptonian-magi heat vision is blue due to the added magic into the ability. never heard this anywhere, just adding it myself because I think this is reasonable, of course still red if no magic is added as a booster to the ability) Our rage and pain of loss pushed our powers to overflow, we weren't releasing our heat vision, our anger just pushed it to be on and ready, no powering it up needed.

The next thing anyone knew we both disappeared along with Darkseid, but they heard the sonic booms of us increasing our speed into the atmosphere.

Darkseid was releasing his Omega beams repeatedly as they locked onto us while he was flying away as fast as he was able to. I was able to tank the beams but Superman dodged them as he was sure he couldn't do what I was doing. We were moving so fast the beams couldn't catch up to him after he dodged them.

After 1 mile Darkseid finally looked back expecting to see us either dodging repeatedly or being a smoking heap falling to the ground. Unfortunately for him, we were catching up to him. His eyes widened from shock seeing his Omega beams having no effect on me and Superman dodging, losing almost no speed. He decided it was time to settle this with his fists, after all, he was just using the bare minimum in the fight earlier, he never had to use more than that before.

Darkseid stopped and prepared for a physical fight. I slowed down letting Kal-El catch up to me so he could get the first swing in. Darkseid was a little shocked by this but I decided to take out all the Omega beams chasing behind Kal-El. Before reaching Darkseid, Kal-El already had his arm pulled back for a flying punch. Darkseid saw Kal-El as the lesser threat so he half heartedly blocked it knowing that Kal-El wasn't a Magi, his research revealing that the Kryptonians were much weaker than their Magi counterparts. That was a big mistake on his part.

Supermans fist hit Darkseids blocking arm, but it didn't stop. In his rage he fractured the bones in Darkseids arm. With a look of shock Darkseids fist was slammed into his own face. Under the pressure of his own fist to his face Darkseid barely noticed that I took the hits from his Omega beams 1 after the other until they were all dealt with. I turned to look at Darkseid with a face empty of emotion, except for my glowing blue eyes.

Darkseid decided then and there he had to get off this planet and prepare his army and generals if he ever wants a chance to take over this planet. Looking down all 3 off us noticed the explosive reaction from the Motherboxes. They'd successfully separated the cubes and were just lying on the ground exhausted.

Darkseid used this distraction to press a button on his belt to open a boom tube to escape Kal-El and myself. As he turned around to fly at full speed to make his escape we released our heat vision on Darkseids back. Knowing he probably couldn't take the damage from the direct hits of 4 heat vision strikes he turned around to block the hits with his arms while still flying towards the tube. it was successful to an extent, his arms on Kal-Els side started to show sings of being burnt and my side started to crack like it was breaking.

Darkseid used the strikes as Boosters to propel him faster towards his escape. Just before he entered the boom tube his arms were knocked to his sides, useless. The remaining energy from our heat vision hit him straight in the chest causing him to cough out a mouthful of blood as he finally disappeared from our sight and the portal disappeared immediately after.

After 10 seconds of staring where the portal closed we noticed the Parademons were leaving through the boom tube they came from. Less than a minute later the invasion was over and we looked down at the group on the ground with the cubes. They were all staring at us with mouths open and looks ranging from fear to respect.

"Badass." Aquaman

"I'm glad they're on our side" Flash

Diana just stood there looking at the both of us with a smile on her face

"....." Cyborg

"What the fuck are we supposed to do if they go agenst Earth" G L asked Batman quietly

"Nothing we can do, besides, if they wanted Earth in any bad way they'd have already acted on it. They have the strength that they don't need to fake anything to take it if they want it." Batman stated simply

Kal-El and I looked at each other and started heading back to the group since we had alot of cleanup and discussions amongst ourselves...primarily about me I'm sure, after the Darkseid talks were done