Clean Up & Talks

After Darkseids failed invasion, all of us started rescuing all civilians trapped inner collapsed buildings, overturned and trapped cars or even on buildings that had the stairs collapsed or blocked. It was a long and boring task that none of us complained about. The biggest problem was the US military not showing up to help at all. Luckily the news reports took notice of this fact and made sure the people knew that the heros did everything.

After the Sun rose the next morning, the papers finally went out and, being the buthurt coward he was, the President sent out the US Military to try and deal with us saying we were an unknown threat and had to be controlled. Unfortunately for them, the people took notice and ratings started dropping for the President. After trying and failing to silence the media, he was forced to stop trying to lie about what happened and just let us be. At least on the outside. In private, he created a new division of the government, headed by one Amanda Waller. It would take some time for them to get up and running.

Before we all left the now destroyed city, we got around to a proper introduction for all of us.

"Well that was fun, but I need to get some sleep" Flash said while stuffing a 4 foot sandwich into his mouth

"Ya, I have my job to get to too" said G L

"The Sun is about to rise but I need to get some info from Se-An before I can head out" said Batman

"I'd like to get to know you better" Diana said

"Of course, I would like to have a conversation with you too" said Superman

"I don't have anywhere I need to be" said Aquaman

"I should probably head out. I don't want to get caught up in the government issues" said Cyborg

"Alright. Batman, can your ship leave the atmosphere safetly?" I asked

"Yes, but not for extended periods" Batman informed me

"Perfect. Get in and follow us. Cyborg, if you can't survive in the vacuum of space I'd advise you to go with Batman" I advised him

"I don't know my capabilities, but I'd rather not test that right now" Cyborg said

"Alright, everyone wanting to talk, come with me" I said

Everyone, even G L, Flash and Aquaman tagged along wanting to see where we were going. I took off at a slow enough speed that Batman wouldn't be pushing his Batwing to hard to keep up. After leaving the atmosphere I used telepathy to have the ship to turn visible to the eye but not radar. The look of shock on their faces was a sight to remember. After getting close enough, I had AI open the hanger bay with the atmospheric barrier on so they could leave the Batwing safely.

After leaving the hanger and entering the conference room, we all sat down to get comfortable. I waited for someone else to start the talking

"So, I know you said you were there to help, but I was under the impression that Krypton was destroyed, what like, 24 years go? Isn't that what you said during your interview Superman?" Flash asked

"Yes. 24 years ago" Superman said

"This is correct, is there a question for me in there?" I asked

"Ah, sorry. Yes, where have you been all this time, and why do you look like a teenager if you should be at least as old as Superman here?" Flash finally got to his point

"Well, when Krypton was being destroyed, I barely made it to my ship here. The destruction of the planet literally blasted me into the ship, cracking my skull open. The machines on board only had enough time to put me into a stasis pod, where they would slowly let me heal without dying. I actually have all this on the systems security log footage. AI, begin playing the footage of right before Kryptons destruction to right after i was put into the stasis pod, if you would."

AI played the footage from beginning to end, allowing Kal-El to see and hear his birth planet during its darkest hour. He wiped away a couple of tears during this time, and even Aquaman was understanding enough to say nothing

"I woke up one year ago after reaching Earth and the Sun healed the wound the rest of the way and even all the damage that had been done. I was 17 when that happened and stasis pods stop the metabolism of the body. Therefore, while I'm now physically and mentally 18, I was born 40 years ago." I told everyone preset

"If you've only been here for a year, how are you so much more powerful than I am? I get that as a Magi you should be, but having 24 more years of sunlight compared to your 1...?" Superman asked in confusion

"Ahh, it'll be easier if I showed you. Can everyone else go to that half of the room? And Kal-El, join me over here, if you would?" I asked

Everyone obliged and I had AI lower the middle of the room to protect the humans from potential skin cancer

"I have Solar Radiation Boosters installed on my ship. This shield will protect everyone on that side from the radiation that is beneficial to us. AI, turn on the SRBs on this half of the room." I said

"Command confirmed" AI said

With a faint whir, our half of the room started to brighten as Superman started to close his eyes in complete euphoria. After the SRBs were at full power I started talking again "So, this is what allowed me to catch up to you, and even surpass you in such a short time" I said

Eyes still closed "I understand now, this amount of sunlight and the consist expose allowed you to grow exponentially" Superman said in realization

"Yes, now I'll be turning it off so everyone else can talk to us, they can hear but not see us. AI, turn the SRBs off please" I said

"Command confirmed" AI said

After the solar radiation returned to normal in the room, the barrier retracted revealing Superman and myself glowing slightly

"You good Superman?" asked Batman

"Yes, I'm just getting used to my new strengths Superman said

By now I'd already absorbed the residual radiation around myself. I just watched Superman slowly adapt and do the same. 5 minutes later he finished and returned to his seat

"That short amount of time should have been roughly 1 day of regular exposure to the Sun" I said

"1.2 days worth of unimpeded solar radiation, sir" AI corrected me

"Very well, 1.2 days, or roughly 3-4 days of regular exposure, taking into account of working indoors and night time" I stated

"That's incredible. Now I understand how that was possible." Superman admitted

"Alright, I'm sure other people want to ask me some questions, we can talk about Krypton later" I told Superman and he nodded with a smile on his face in response

"I have a couple questions. How do we know you have Earth's best interests at heart? You weren't raised here by humans, and as far as I know, the only humans you know are sitting in this room" Batman stated

"Easy, Kal-El here is my responsibility to take care of. And he has chosen here, so here is where I shall stay." I told them, knowing this would start a long line of questions

"What....." Superman started

"I know what you are going to ask. I am the last of the original royal line of Rao. Rao was originally a Kryptonian-magi that became a sun God, the very same Sun that Krypton orbited. This is why the non Maji of our race started the great civil war. They believed in science and wanted nothing to do with any gods. So they decided they would wipe out the line." I said, dropping some unknown history on all of their heads

"'re like royalty?" asked Flash

"Yes. Think of me as a king in hiding and my land was razed before I could take it back. The title is good for next to nothing, but I will still keep an eye on my people" I stated then looked at Kal-El "person?"

Everyone broke out laughing as the tension was broken. Even Batman cracked a smile I think

"So that means there are 3 royal heads in this room right now" Diana stated while glancing at Aquaman

"Looks like" said Aquaman "gor anything to drink on the flying tin can?"

Unfortunately I did

"A bit of my favorite whiskey, stuff made specifically fir me. And I actually have the equipment to make more so how's a bottle for each of you?" I asked

"I'm not actually much of a drinker, but thanks" said G L

"That's fine, keep it for a gift for a special occasion" I said as AI teleporated the bottles in front of each of them. Knowing Aquamans habits I told AI to give him a second one.

"Be careful. These are made with magic for beings like us. It's not ment for mortals on the human level" I warned them

Aquaman took me a little seriously knowing what magic could do. He took a sip and froze. Realizing this was the best whiskey he had, and probably would ever taste "WOOOOOWWWWW! Now that's a kick" He said as he closed the bottle

Everyone saw his reaction and stored their bottle

"Well, welcome to Earth" said Flash

"I only have 1 more question" stated Batman, being more serious than he had been