Gods Plan?

Chapter 13: Gods Plan?

-Unknown Location-

Moments before Valerie obtained her [Divine Nemesis] title.

A conference between several entities was currently taking place somewhere in the Omniverse. One of the individuals taking part was a woman with matching gold-colored hair and eyes and a body that could match the Primordial Sin of Lust. Some appeared as human shaped entities of light, while others physical, but with appearances that far surpassed mortals.


The one thing they all had in common righteous aura that emanated off of them, as well as the feathered wings on their backs. They are Gods of Virtue, also known as Bright Gods. The woman was reading a book while she listened to the other people talk. The unique little wings on her head twitched, and she closed the book with a loud snap that caused the others to pause in their conversation.

"What's wrong Lady Uriel?" One of the figures made of light asked respectfully.

"The spawn of Lust!" The woman-Gabriel viciously spat.


When they noticed she was irritated, the entity of light and the other people in the room decided to remain silent. They were aware that they should never discuss anything relating to lust in her company since she represented chastity—the Primordial Virtue of Chastity.

But the actual reason was that it brought back memories of the moment Asmodeus had defiled her. She didn't lose her virginity, but everything else she was taken away from her.

'It's all that bitc-Lilith's fault!' Uriel felt a shiver run up her spine and quickly corrected herself.

"Spawn of Lust? What about them? And which one are you talking about sister? There are three which have the Primordial Lust Bloodline, four if you include the one we sensed not too long ago". A man with white hair and blue eyes questioned with a curious and harmless smile.


"Raphael…" Uriel muttered and continued with a vicious smile that unnerved the Gods in the room, "You will see in a second".

Raphael scowled and was ready to ask her to explain when he abruptly stopped, along with the other people who were chit-chatting. It appeared as though something had suddenly become illuminated, drawing everyone's attention to it.

"This aura… an Outer God?! And it's from that world used as a playground by @$%@?!# and that Chaos God". Someone said with fear all over their face.

"Hmm. No, it's not an Outer God. She's just a mere Eldritch". Another spoke with disdain.

"Hmph! I also sense the vile demonic energy". An entity of light added.

"You guys are selling it short, she also has a smidgen of divine energy, though it's hard to notice in that abominable state her soul is in". Uriel clarified.

"Is she…"

"The spawn of Lust we sensed not too long ago? Yes she is". Uriel confirmed Rachael's thoughts.

"Spawn of Lust, Eldritch and a Divine?" Raphael muttered with a frown, though everyone in the room heard him.

"Sister you can't go and kill her". A soft seductive rang in the room, pulling everyone's attention.

"What are you talking about Jophiel? Who said I was going to kill her?" Uriel asked with a frown, as she stared at the extremely beautiful strawberry-blonde haired and blue eyes Goddess.


"That spawn of Lust or whatever you want to call her, has the blessing of Lady Lilith if you haven't noticed. So it would be in your best interest to not do anything drastic". Jophiel calmly stated with a smile.

Everyone stiffened at the mention of Lilith, and any thoughts they had against Valerie disappeared the next moment, save for a few brave ones.

"Tch". Uriel clicked her tongue in annoyance, as she uttered, "I guess I'll have to make-do with a reincarnator and make sure the Chaos Gods don't get to her first".

Raphael nodded in agreement and said, "That's fine. This way even Lilith cannot interfere, and if she does, Lady Eve will make a move".

When the Bright Gods heard the name 'Lady Eve' they all brightened(pun intended) up and lost any of the previous fear they had. From there, the discussion continued about who's Hero will deal with Valerie.




While the Bright Gods had been conversing, so too had the Chaos Gods. Unexpectedly or not, the latter faction was much less hostile and chose to entice Valerie to join them first because she was "similar" to them. They would get rid of her if she declined, though. It was impossible to permit the existence of an eldritch and demon who may well turn divine. Ultimately, both forces had an identical goal because they were wary of Valerie's potential.






-Tokyo, Japan-

In the living room of a certain apartment, a purplish-black portal formed. Seconds later, a woman with waist length silver hair and sapphire eyes walked through, and the portal closed behind her.

"Ah~ Home sweet home~" Valerie stretched, popping a few bones and glanced at the clock on the wall. "Eh? I thought I was gone for around three hours but it's already seven in the morning?"

Step-! Step-! Step-!

The sound of footsteps stopped Valerie's thoughts from continuing, and she turned her head and saw-


"Valerie, welcome back".

Amelia greeted with a beautiful smile.

"Umu! It's nice to be back". Valerie smiled and walked to the kitchen, "Do you want to help me make breakfast? I'm sure you would like to know how the summoning went, right?"

"Sure. And I am interested, you feel different now. You feel more evil and beautiful". Amelia followed and pointed out in a curious tone.

"That's because I got cursed". Valerie nonchalantly commented as she dried her hands.

"What?" Amelia stopped in her tracks for a split second, before quickly walking to Valerie.

"Did you just say you got cursed?" Amelia put her hand on Valerie's cheeks, and asked with a worried looked.

Valerie chuckled at her cute reaction and kissed her on her beautiful lips.

"Mmm~" Amelia widened her eyes at the sudden kiss, but she didn't push Valerie away.

Valerie sucked Amelia's supple lips, while she slipped her hand under Amelia's black negligée and groped her breast.

Amelia didn't back down and accepted the challenge. Like a snake, her hands swiftly slithered under Valerie's shirt and then her bra, and she pinched Valerie's nipple.

"!" Valerie's eyes widened, as a bolt of pleasure ran through her body that almost caused her to buckle. 'That was close~ I forgot that Amelia is also succubus, one with thousands of years more experience than me'.

"Heh~ You're still too young to overpower me Valerie~" Amelia broke the kiss and smiled mischievously.

Valerie rolled her eyes in response and shared a look with Amelia, before they both faced the spectator.

"Did you enjoy the show Sayu~?" Valerie smiled playfully as she called out to the young girl who is staring at them in a daze.

"Huh? Uh? Yes?" Sayu absentmindedly answered, before she suddenly stiffened and recalled what Valerie's question.

Amelia chuckled when she saw Sayu's face slowly go red in realisation, "I didn't know that little Sayu has such fetishes~"

"I-I don't!" Sayu quickly denied, while sneaking a glance at Valerie's hand that was still on Amelia's breast.

Valerie noticed the glances she was throwing them and wanted to tease her, but stopped when she saw the look Amelia gave her. 'I guess she wants to know what happened in the summoning'.

"Sayu, can you wake Sabrina up while Amelia and I make breakfast". Valerie said, changing the subject.

Sayu was confused by the shift in topic, but still agreed, "Okay".

Seeing her walk away, Valerie turned her attention back to Amelia, "Come, I'll tell you what happened as we cook, just don't freak out and hear me out until the end".

"Alright". Amelia easily agreed, after all, she's a millennia old demon, so there isn't much that can surprise her.

Seeing her agree, Valerie started talking about how her first summoning request was made by a bishop, who was a devout believer of the most worshipped God in the world. How said believer, offered herself up as a summoning reward, and how she accepted her generosity.

Amelia rolled her eyes at the bullshit she just heard. A believer offering themselves up to a demon? There's definitely some manipulation in play. But she doesn't mind, after all they are demons, entities that contradict and mess with the divine.

Valerie then went onto explain how the believer was coincidentally connected to the 'Supreme God', and in his anger he tried to curse her(Valerie). Though as the amazing person she is, she devoured the curse.

"You devoured a divine curse?!" Amelia shouted, interrupting Valerie's recapping.

"Yeah? But the flavour was absolutely terrible. Never in my life had I eaten something so disgusting. If shit had a flavour, it would definitely be that". Valerie solemnly asserted, as her face contorted in disgust.


Amelia was left speechless at how Valerie was complaining about the taste, instead of the danger.

"Don't look at me like that. It was all Luxuria's fault in the first place" Valerie defended herself with a wronged look on her face.

"Her Highness?" Amelia questioned with a surprised look.

Valerie nodded as she flipped the pancake in the air and onto a plate, "Yeah~ It seems mommy Lust gave him a green hat, and me being her daughter and all means all her enemies are mine. Haah~ What a troublesome mother I have".

Amelia's surprise expression turned to a look of understanding and urged Valerie to continue.


Valerie stared at her for a few seconds to see if she had anything to say, but when she didn't speak up, she couldn't help but ask, "No comments?"

"It's Her Highness after all". Was the only answer that Valerie got.

'Acceptance huh?' Valerie smiled amusedly as she now understood Amelia's thought process. 'If someone does something repeatedly without fail, all you can do is accept it and move on, especially when said person could snap you out of existence'.

"I'm sure you already know that Divine Curses have intentions and emotions behind them right?"

"I see, so you absorbed the hate and wrath that came with the curse, and passively strengthened yourself. But that isn't enough, that would just delay the inevitable and cause you more pain. So what did you find that allowed you to be successful". Amelia asked, with curiosity.

"Are you not going to ask how a Lesser Demon like me didn't get fizzed out of existence the moment I devoured divine energy?" Valerie asked with a raised brow.

"You have been blessed by Goddess Lilith and Her Highness. Devouring divine energy is to be expected". Amelia replied with a smile that seemed to twitch.


'What is this shamelessness? Weren't you the one who was worried and shocked that I swallowed divine energy? Now you say it is completely normal?' Valerie thought inwardly as she answered Amelia's question.

"I devoured a High Demon which helped me against the rampaging divine energy".

"I see…So what rank are you now?" Amelia casually asked, though if Valerie was looking at her face she would of seen her eyebrows twitch.

'Maybe this the effect of my [Eldritch Influence] passive. After all, she did live with me for sixteen years, she was bound to be affected in some way'. Valerie thought, as she topped Sabrina's waffle with strawberries.

"I'm now a Mid stage Greater Demon, since the rest of the energy was used to counter the divine energy I couldn't go higher".

"A Mid-stage Greater Demon, huh? And in one day at that". Amelia muttered in a strange tone, as she picked up the plates of pancakes and waffles, putting them on the dinner table.

"By the way, who's the extra serving for?" Amelia suddenly changed the subject to Valerie's confusion.

"A certain goddess~" Valerie playfully smiled.

"You know that she's a deity?" Amelia questioned in mild surprise.

"Yep~ So you wouldn't mind me inviting her right?"

"Since you set your eyes on her I don't think you'll take no as an answer right?" Amelia said with an amused smile.

"You know too well~" Valerie chuckled as she walked to the apartment door.

