Ghouls and Doves

Chapter 20: Ghouls and Doves

A/N: Enjoy the 3000+ words chapter~


-Nerima City, Japan-

On the streets of the 20th Ward, a certain woman was attracting the attention of both women and men alike. She had features that would easily make her a number one model, long unblemished legs, thick thighs and perfect E-cup breasts. Her hair was Jet black and untamed, and she donned black shades, which hid her inhuman gold reptilian eyes.

If she was in China, she would immediately be labelled a jade-skin beauty of highest calibre.

"Wow! She's so tall and beautiful!"

"Look at those smooth legs".

"Do you think she's a model?"

"I'm not sure, I haven't seen her on TV or any magazines".

"Her clothes are also beautiful, I wonder where she bought it from".

"Her breast are big-ow! I'm just kidding babe, there's no way she could match you".


Similar conversations could be heard all around by the woman in question thanks to her enhanced senses.

"Even when I used [Malleable Anatomy] I couldn't hide my beauty, huh? It must be because of my [Unnatural Beauty] passive, since the former skill always came in clutch the rare times I went outside before regaining my memories".

"But the moment I became a Succubus, such changes will be harder to hide" And of course the beauty that everyone was speaking about was Valerie.

"Woof! Woof!(Mistress, these people should be honoured that they can even bare witness to a fraction of your beauty!)" Kali answered with a snort.

Valerie just smiled at her comment before looking at the Cafe on the other side of the crosswalk .

The shop name was 'Anteiku'.

On the outside it appeared innocent, plain, and pleasant. Your typical friendly neighborhood cafe. But Valerie of course knew that wasn't the case, after all, this specific cafe was one she had seen before, in an anime that is.

Valerie shook her head and crossed the road as she looked up at the clear sky, 'Its been while since I last saw the anime so I can only remember a handful of things'.

'Well, I'll think about it later' Valerie stopped in front of the cafe for a second and then entered.


Bells sounded from the cafe door, indicating that someone had arrived.

The moment she entered, Valerie's nose was immediately assaulted by a strong coffee smell. She looked around and realised that the shop was on the ground floor. 'In the anime there was a flight of stairs leading to the upper floor, where the cafe itself was located'.

'But who am I to complain, it makes more sense for the main attraction to be on the ground floor anyways'.

Valerie noticed multiple eyes focusing on her as soon as she walked in, and she could tell from their smell that not all of them were human.

'Well, it's kinda easy to distinguish them with my enhanced senses, the humans are leaking off lust, so are some of the ghouls, but there gaze is more focused on the hand I used to kill those thugs'. Valerie inwardly thought as she sat on one of the empty tables, while Kali rested by her leg.

"What would you like to order miss?" A voice sounded next to Valerie bringing her out of her musings.

She looked up and couldn't help but raise a brow in interest. In front of her was a young man in a waiter outfit with black hair and an eyepatch on his left eye.

"Umm…miss?" The young man awkwardly called out with a blush, since this really beautiful woman had been staring at him for some time.

Valerie couldn't help but chuckle at his reaction, a mischievous glint appeared in her reptilian eyes covered by shades. "Boy, what's your name?"

"Ken Kaneki". The young man—Kaneki answered. He wondered why she was asking for his name?

'Maybe she's interested in me? No, there's no way that's possible. The last and first woman who took an interest in me wanted to eat me…Wait… eat? Could this beautiful woman be a ghoul?' Kaneki was brought out of his thoughts when he heard the woman speak, and that too with a serious look.

"Then, Kaneki-kun, could it be…that you are virgin?" Valerie questioned with a solemn look.

"Yes-what?!" Kaneki unconsciously agreed due to the serious vibes, and he only registered her question after answering.

"I'm just messing with you~" Valerie said with a grin when she saw his face flushed. "Anyways I'll have a cup of coffee".

Kaneki let out a sigh of relief when she changed the subject, and took down her order, "So one cup of coffe-wait coffe?" When he heard her order, he couldn't help but glance up. Although her shades blocked his view of her eyes, the smile she gave him appeared to be saying, "I know what you're thinking,"

'Is she actually ghoul?'

"Kaneki-kun~ It's not nice to make a lady wait you know~"

Kaneki snapped out of his daze and bowed, "I'm sorry, I'll have your order soon!"

Valerie didn't have time to reply as the young ghoul already left.

'He couldn't be more obvious, huh? But I did order coffee just to cause misunderstandings so it isn't really his fault.

Though, I wonder what code name the CCG—or should I say the Washuu would give me if I got involved? I went with the dragon eyes to make myself more unique, so maybe they'll just name me 'Dragon'. Actually, isn't that Rize's code name later on?'

'Should I save her~? She is quite the beauty, so the trouble might be worth it. And I'm sure the Washuu's souls will be delicious, especially with the amount of atrocities they committed'.

'However, the main question is, will it count as green hatting Kaneki then? After all he does get together with Touka, or does Rize count as an ex even if they dated for a day?'


Valerie was broken out of her thoughts by the sound of an object being placed on her table.

"Here you go miss".

"Thank you, Kaneki-kun". Valerie took a sip of the coffee and looked back at Kaneki, with a cheeky grin she said, "Could be better".

Kaneki smiled wryly and scratched the back of his head, "I'm sorry, I'm still working on making better coffee".

Valerie just nodded, and Kaneki took this as a sign to leave, though right as he turned his back, Valerie's voice sounded.

"Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced".

"Change is inevitable, while growth is optional. Remember that Kaneki".

Hearing Valerie's words, Kaneki stopped in his tracks, while Kali perked and stared at his back and thought, 'You should feel honoured that mistress shared her wisdom with you puny mortal'.

Meanwhile, Valerie looked at the state of Kaneki and nodded her head in satisfaction.

'It seems the old ancestor speech actually works. All I need to do is spout profound-sounding nonsense and—bang! I'll somehow managed to inspire the people'.

After a minute of standing still, Kaneki was forced out of his enlightened state due to a sudden call from the barkeep.

"Ah! Coming!" Kaneki then turned back to Valerie and bowed, "Thank you for the advice miss".

Valerie looked up from her phone and stared at his retreating back, 'Is this how it feels like to have a disciple?'




15 Minutes Later.

*Pitter patter* *Pitter patter*

Having finished her coffee, Valerie stood up and decided it was time to leave, she looked outside and saw that it was raining.

'Wait, wasn't it raining…' Her thoughts paused when she noticed an old man appear at the counter from what she guessed was the basement. Following behind him was a pretty Milf-cough with brown her hair and eyes.

The old man looked in her direction and smiled kindly as he continued his walk to the second floor

'He's quite the sinner.' Valerie thought as her reptilian eyes narrowed in greed.

"Is something wrong Yoshimura-san?" Ryouko Fueguchi a mother and ghoul, asked the old man.

Yoshimura halted his steps and once again looked in Valerie's direction, before walking up the steps. "Hmm, I just saw an interesting individual Ryouko-san".

Ryouko was confused and turned to where Yoshimura was looking, and all she saw was a black haired foreigner with shades and a unique looking albino dog.

"Could it be that she's a ghoul?" Ryouko questioned.

Without a change in his expression, Yoshimura answered, "I wonder about that too, though what I can tell you is that she is quite dangerous".

"How dangerous?" Ryouko asked with a worried look.

"If we're using the rankings the 'Doves' give us, then her minimum rating is roughly SS". Yoshimura calmly replied.

Ryouko gasped in shock and surprise, "That young lady is that dangerous?"

"You don't have to worry about it, she wasn't hostile". Yoshimura reassured as he watched her enter one of the room.

'At least to you she wasn't. The moment I appeared, it was as if I was standing in the jaws of a beast.' Yoshimura solemnly thought.

'Though she didn't seem to have any malicious intent, only hunger'. He added.

*Pitter patter* *Pitter patter*

Valerie left Anteiku as soon as she had paid for her coffee, not realising that the old man had sensed her desire to eat him.

She would still feel wronged even if she knew that he sensed her intentions, after all, she desires his soul and not his flesh.

However, she was too busy to think about anything else, because currently, something many would consider amazing happened.

In Valerie's field of vision, different parameters and information was displayed, and it was of the woman she saw with the old man.

_ _ _

Name: Ryouko Fueguchi (Ghoul)

Sex: Female

Orientation: Straight

Virgin: No

Status: Widowed

Number of people she had sex with: 1

Last Sexual Experience: 368 Days Ago

Fetish: Likes getting dominated, Missionary position

Perfect Fertilisation Period: In 5 Days

_ _ _

"She is unsurprisingly pure and faithful" Valerie muttered to herself as she dismissed the information.

*Pitter patter* *Pitter patter*

The rain continued to fall and even then people would stop and give Valerie second glances. Some even took pictures of her and Kali, due to the latter's "unique" appearance.

Valerie continued walking with no destination in mind, until her enhanced senses picked up something. Though she couldn't narrow down the location due to the rain and the ceaseless chatter in the surroundings.

"Did you sense that Kali?" She looked to her friend.

"Woof!" Kali nodded and started running in a certain direction.

'Damn she's fast! At least she knows to not use her full strength and speed in the midst of mortals.' Valerie thought as she dashed and weaved past the crowd effortlessly.





A minute later she caught up to Kali and saw her stopping at a wide alley, it didn't have a dead end and it was more of a short cut.

She could sense five presences in the alleyway, and two hidden in the corner on the end.

'This is definitely the scene where Ryouko dies, I wonder, will Kaneki just watch like he did in the anime, after all I did give him some advice'. Valerie thought, as she listened in on their conversation.

The insane psycho told her that he found it repulsive that she was acting human, and that ghouls are creatures who shouldn't act human.

Valerie couldn't help but roll her eyes hearing this. Why is a psychotic mass murderer even talking about human nature? She then saw him whip out her husband's big thing, making the poor woman cry.

The mad psycho intimidated her with his big thing, and asked her if she had any last words, but Valerie remembered from the anime and manga that the guy was impatient and shoved his big thing into her.

Valerie was about to there but stopped when she saw the bulging eyed psycho get smashed into the wall of the alleyway. She couldn't help but grin when she saw the perpetrator.


'Yes! Well done my disciple!' Valerie cheered mentally, her profound words actually worked!


"Who?!" Koutarou Amon, a First Class Ghoul Investigator shouted, his eyes widening as he saw the new arrival.

It was a black haired teen wearing a turquoise hoodie and light black pants. Although unlike a typical teenager, the young man's left eye's sclera was completely black, and the pupil of his eye shone bright red. Coming out of his spine was three red tentacle-like appendages.

'I did it! I moved! I was able to save someone!' Kaneki excitedly looked at his hand, not noticing the attack coming his way.

"Kaneki-kun watch out!" Ryouko warned, but it was too late.

"You shouldn't get distracted in the middle of a fight". Amon said in a emotionless tone, as he hit Kaneki in the stomach with his quinque.


"Ughhh!" Kaneki's pupils dilated at the sudden pain and coughed up blood, before rolling across the ground.

""Kaneki-kun/ Onii-chan!"" Two voices shouted simultaneously as the other hidden presence ran to the downed Kaneki.

"Hinami!" Ryouko's face paled in horror at seeing her daughter return.

"Mama! Onii-chan, he-"

"Why did you come back Hinami?! Hurry run away!" Ryouko didn't give her daughter a chance and tried to push her away.

"Ah~ That hurt quite a lot you know~" A familiar psychotic voice sounded sending shivers down the mother and daughter's spine.

"And what do we have here~ The legendary one-eyed ghoul". Kureo Mado—or big eye psycho, commented with hate clearly oozing from his voice.

"Mado-san?" Amon called out in worry.

"No need to worry Amon-kun, I just broke a few ribs". Mado said with a maddening smile, as he looked at his student.

"I see…"

"Are you guys done~?" A seductive voice draw everyone's eyes to Kaneki, or at least the person standing behind him.

It was a tall, attractive foreigner with unkempt black hair that had been soaked by rain. She wore an unreserved outfit that showcased her perfect body. However the two investigators couldn't admire her appearance as they didn't even sense when she arrived.

"!!" Amon immediately snapped his head to the other two investigators that came with him and Mado, but all he saw was their bodies on the ground without a single injury.

"Miss!" Kaneki called out in surprise seeing the beauty he previously served coffee.

Valerie gave him a gentle smile and bent down slightly, patting his head—or at least she tried, until she was suddenly attacked.



Valerie slapped the quinque aimed at her, breaking it in the process.

"That's not how you treat a lady y'know~" Valerie looked away from Kanaki and playfully smiled at the big eyed Mad-o.

"You ghouls are not even humans, so it doesn't matter how we treat you". Kureo replied with a psychotic smile.


Valerie silently stared at him, as she recalled something that was once said to her in her previous life, 'You are no longer human, as such your rights are revoked'.

"What? Cat got your tongue? Or did I hit sore spot~?" Kureo questioned with a sick and taunting smile.

Kaneki and the mother-daughter pair stared on in worry, unsure of what they should do in the situation. However their attention was caught when Valerie lifted her arm, not only them though, even Amon and Kureo watched cautiously.

However she didn't attack, her hands moved to the shades and she took them off, and what they saw left all of them stunned.

Hidden under those shades was two pitch black sockets with inhuman gold eyes.

"It will be in your best interest to retreat, otherwise the CCG will face a threat that would make the One-Eyed Owl look like a child". Valerie stated calmly, though the sharpness in her voice was obvious to all.

"Hah! How arrogant-!"

"I won't repeat myself again." Valerie interrupted the psycho, as twenty four gold coloured tentacles burst out from her back.

"!!!" Everyone stared in shock and disbelief when they saw what they believed to be 24 kagune.

Valerie raised an eyebrow and with a mocking smile said, "Would you like to see whether I am arrogant or confident?"

"Mado-san, I think it's best we retreat". Amon commented with a frown.

Kureo gnashed his teeth but didn't reject his idea, after all they were facing an unknown, one that could probably rival the One-Eyed Owls.

Amon turned to Valerie and asked, "What did you do to those two?"

Valerie chuckled, "Don't worry I only knocked them out".

Amon was about to sigh in relief until he heard her next words.

"For about a year". She added with a malicious smile.

"What?" Amon immediately ran up to the two investigators, trying everything he could to wake them up.

"How?" Amon couldn't help but blurt out.

Valerie sneered at his question, "Do I look like some third-rate villain to be telling you my powers?"

"But since knowing won't even help you I'll humour you". Everyone perked up, even the psycho, completely forgetting that they were enemies a few minutes ago.

Valerie then pointed at her golden-slitted eyes, "Do you think these dragon-like eyes are here to just look pretty?"






Silence reigned as they all waited for Valerie to continue.

Valerie frowned at the two investigators and said, "What are you still doing here? I already told you my ability, so shoo!"


Amon and Kureo could only swallow their anger and retreat, they could feel her presence getting bigger, and those twenty four Kagune getting sharper. If they stay here for a minute longer, there's no guarantee that they would live.

"What good boys~" Valerie exclaimed, while she stopped using [The One]. Surprisingly or unsurprisingly, it worked like conquerors Haki, so she could minimise it's output to make sure they don't faint.

"Hey!" The instant the two investigators turned around in response to Valerie's sudden call, they were greeted by a pair of purple eyes that rendered them completely unresponsive.

"I order you to forget ever seeing Kaneki appear in this alleyway." Valerie's eyes glowed purple, as she used her [Charm] to make them forcefully forget everything that occurred in the alleyway, while putting suggestions and changing their memories using her [Illusion Manipulation].

It was tough, but a little easier, as this was her second time doing this, as she had done it to the the other two, before making them sleep(?) using her [Demonic Eyes of Destruction]. She guessed the blessing skill had the same effect as the Magic Eyes version from Misfit of Demon Academy anime, so she hoped she only put them to sleep, and if they became vegetables, then oh well.

A few seconds later Kureo and Amon came to, and when they looked around, the ghouls had disappeared, leaving the words 'Fuck Your Mum' carved into the walls.

"That bitch! How dare she eat Number 723 and 745! Now how am I meant to create a quinque after she destroyed mine!" Kureo spat out venomously.

"Mado-san, we should just be happy that we no longer have to go chasing around for them". Amon commented, "Though we now have a bigger problem on our hands. A Ghoul with 24 Kagune's and the ability to possibly put people in a perpetual slumber with her eyes. Her threat level might even rival or surpass the One-Eyed Owl from ten years ago". He added with a solemn look.

"Tch! Let's go."




3 Minutes Later.

"A-are they finally gone?" Kaneki who was now standing, questioned.

"That's right~" Valerie answered as she released the illusion that was blending them into the walls of the alleyway.

"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you." Ryouko immediately started repeating the same words after realising they were safe.

Valerie smiled and was about to speak, but she felt a tug at her tentacles that were still out. Looking down, she saw a brown haired young girl, "Hinami, right?"

Hinami nodded and said, "Thank you for saving us Onee-chan. And also, your kagune is beautiful just like your eyes".

Valerie pat her head with a fond smile, "Thank you for the compliment, but it was my student who saved your mother".

"Student?" Kaneki said in confusion.

"Well, you did listen to my advice, right?" Valerie stated with a cheeky grin.

"Ah?" Kaneki then recalled what happened a few minutes ago, making him smiled widely. "Yes! Thank you! If it wasn't for you I-I-"


"Owww!" Kaneki held his head in pain, from the karate chop Valerie gave him.

Valerie gave him a disapproving look, "What was was that? Getting distracted in the middle of fight like that? If Amon's quinque was not cylindrical you would of already died? Ghouls are not immortal, Rize is a perfect example".

"You know Rize-san?" Kaneki asked in surprise, hearing her address Rize so casually.

"I do". That's all Valerie said as she put her shades back on and retracted her tentacles. "Are you guys not coming?"

Ryouko smiled slightly when she saw Valerie and Kaneki's interaction. In her eyes it was like an older sister scolding her younger brother. Though she was unaware that Valerie actually saw him as a lost puppy, who proved that the ancestor speech was legit.




-Outside Anteiku-

"I'll be going now". Valerie spoke up after escorting them back to the cafe.

"Than you for your help, miss?" Ryouko bowed and realised she didn't know her saviours name.

"Yoruichi." Valerie said the first name that came to her mind. "You can call me Yoruichi, and as you can tell from appearance, it's a fake name, so I hope you don't mind".

Ryouko shook her head and gave an understanding smile, "It's all right Yoruichi-san, thank you for your help"

Valerie nodded and looked at her pup-ahem, disciple. "No goodbyes to your teacher?"

"Uhh? Can I meet you again?" Kaneki suddenly asked, with a blush crawling up his face.

Valerie raised an eyebrow at the question, and decided to tease him a little, "You know I'm old enough to be your mother". 'Well mentally that is.'

"Huh?" Kaneki's brain short circuit for a moment before his face reddened, "T-that's not what I meant!"

"Fufu~" Ryouko on the side chuckled, while also surprised at Valerie's supposed aged.

"I was just messing with ya~" Valerie lifted her shades, displaying her unique gold orbs. "I'll be coming tomorrow, so we'll see eachother then. Kali, let's go."

"Woof!(Finally!)" Kali sighed(?) tiredly as she escaped from Hinami.

"Ah? Goodbye Kali, Yoru-nee". Hinami smiled and waved.

"See you tomorrow Hinami~" Valerie gave the little girl a pat on her head, before disappearing along with Kali.


A/N: Hope you enjoyed the long chap~