Chapter 4:Max starts class

They waited for a while then Max said "It's like the teacher is not coming."

Elliot replied "Yeah,the teacher is not coming."

Moses replied Max "Maybe the teacher will come late or she did not come to school."

Max asked "Wait,what subject are we having first?"

Elliot replied "We are having maths first."

Moses said "Okay the teacher did not come to school today."

Elliot asked "Why?"

Moses replied "She is not feeling well."

Max asked "How do you know?"

Moses replied "She is my mother's friend and my mother told me she is not feeling too well."

Max said "Okay."

Moses asked "So the timetable is the same as last term timetable?"

Max replied "Yes."

Elliot asked "So what are we going to do now?"

Moses replied "We can play or discuss about what we did during the holiday."

Max said "Okay let's play."

Elliot asked "You said you wanted to take first in class."

Max replied "Who did I say it to?"

Elliot said "You said it to Steven so how are you going to do it when you are playing."

Max replied "I am going to play first then I will read for ten minutes."

Elliot said "That is a good time to start reading."

Moses said "Let us talk about how your going to plan your birthday."

Max replied "Well,there is not much to say."

Elliot said "Even if it's small just say it."

Max replied "Okay it's going to start an hour after school then when people arrive the party will start and if anybody have gifts for me I will open it after one hour and it's going to end by six ."

Moses asked "How many hours in total."

Max replied "Four hours in total."

Then they rang the bell after that the next teacher came and the subject she teaches is Basic studies.Then the students greeted "Good morning Mrs Joan."

She replied "Good morning students. Everybody sit down."She added

Then everybody sat down and she said they should bring out their notes after they did it she started copying on the board and the students did the same thing on their note.

Then time passed by and the next teacher came and taught them English but the next teacher had them double period so she stayed their for a very long time and copied a very long note and gave them an assignment then the last subject before break came and just gave them an assignments and she told them what she was going to teach them next week some minutes later they rang the bell for break so the students ran out of their class to play and the remaining students that were in the class started eating the food they brought from home and Max and his friends were among the people that were still inside the class so they started discussing.

Soon they rang the bell for break over.

Then the teacher came in but it was a different teacher so when Mr Sam came in he introduced himself to the students and he was teaching Civic education and he taught them and after the next teacher came and taught them Agric science as he was teaching them he finished coping the note and gave them class work and he said "If you have finished the class work submit on this table."

All of Max class mates replied "Okay sir."

Then after everybody was done with the class work they all submitted and the teacher went out of the class and they rang the bell then the students carried their bags and ran out to meet their parents and as Max was going he told his friends "Good bye guys."

Elliot and Moses replied "Bye see you tomorrow."

Max said "Okay." with a smile on his face.