Chapter 12: Maximus and Sophia presents for Max

When Max was done opening Moses gift he thank Moses and opened the next one which was his uncle's gift. And when Max opened it he saw a phone so Max went to go and hug his uncle and thanked him so much for the phone.

And Max uncle also said that the phone's charger is inside the box so Max carried the charger out and he pressed the phone power button and it went on and he went to charge his phone and he continued to thank his uncle.

And by the way Max uncle's name is Zach so when Max told uncle Zach thank you he replied by saying your welcome.

Then Max went to open the rest of the presents but he opened his classmates presents first before he did his father and mother friends own because he didn't know who his parents friends were. When he opened the present the teachers gave to him he saw that all of the teachers gave him different types of textbook but the principal bought him a gold watch and it was a beautiful small watch but it was able to fit Max wrist perfectly and when Max asked the principal why the principal told him "it's because of winning that competition and coming out first place. Your the first person in my school to to take first in a competition."

Max asked "So your saying that I am the first person to win a competition?"

The principal replied "No that is not what I am trying to say."

Max asked "So what do you mean?"

The principal replied " Your the first person in my school to take first in a competition and your not the first person to join a competition other people in my school have joined a competition but none of them have taken first place. Since your the first person the watch is all yours."

"Thanks so much." Max said

"Your welcome." The principal replied

When Max was done opening the teachers present he opened his classmates own and he saw different types of things like snacks, money and drinks but some of them did not bring anything. Even Maximus and Sophia friends brought does things but one of them bought Max a beautiful big red leather school bag.

Later when Max was done opening all of the presents he said "That is all."

Then Max parents came and said "That is not all because you forgot about our presents."

Max was surprised but later changed his mood and said "But you said you didn't get me anything."

Sophia came close to Max and said "Well, this is a surprise gift."

Max asked "But why didn't you tell me that you got me a present?"

Sophia replied "If I told you it will not be a surprise anymore."

Max became happy and asked "Where are the gifts?"

Sophia replied "It is here with us but you will open your father's own first.

Max replied "Okay."

When Max father brought his present he opened it and Max saw a martial art uniform but Max was confused so he asked "Why did you buy me a martial art uniform when I have not joined any Martial art school."

Maximus replied "Well, I remember that last year you said that you wanted to join a martial art school but I didn't let you join because you were to young. But now that you are older I think it's time for you to start."

Max had a lot of questions to ask his father but he only asked one question. Max said " Thanks so much but which day of the week will I train."

Maximus replied "Every Saturday, that is when they train."

Max said "Okay thank you so much."

"Your welcome." replied Maximus

Max asked "So mum, where is my gift?"

Sophia replied "My gift is given you a brother and a sister."

Max said "So I am going to have siblings. That is the best gift ever."

Max hugs his mum and repeatedly told her thank you then Max mother said "Okay, now it is time for you to cut the cake and share the remaining drinks because the people are hungry."

Then they wished Max a happy birthday then Max cut the cake and the mother shared the cake for everybody and also shared the drinks.

After that Max mother said that she was tired and told Max that she wants to go and sleep Max said okay and then Sophia went to the room to sleep and Maximus followed her inside.

Five minutes later everybody at Max birthday party including Max heard a loud gun shot followed by another one then Max panicked and went inside to see if anything happened to his parents but before he entered he saw blood coming out of the entrance then when he entered inside he saw the most terrifying sight which was his dead parents.