Maximus replied "Yes, and I know you will use it well and that nothing will happen to you.
Please live a long life and even if they are obstacles in the way you will able to overcome it." Maximus said and that was the last word that Maximus said before he passed away and Max started crying again and as he was crying he was shaking his dead father and shouted "Dad!" and each shout was louder than the last.
Then Max left his dead father and became so angry at the person who killed his father that he wanted to kill the person but he held himself back and said if he finds the person that killed his parents he will get that person arrested with proof that the person is the one that did it but the only question is how will Max find the person?.
When Max went home he didn't know what to do he just sat down on the sofa in rage and started crying and he cried himself to sleep and doing that he was trying to stay awake and was thinking who could do that to him but he was not able to stay awake so he went to his room and when he was passing the hallway he saw his parents room and started crying again so he ran to his own room and jumped on the bed and started sleeping.
Then it was the driver and his wife that started taking care of Max and Max was thankful to his driver and Max just felt a little bit better but still had hatred for the person that killed his parents.
On Saturday since Max didn't have anything to do he just stayed on his bed looking at the ceiling he didn't even bother to bath and while Max is doing this the driver called people to clean the blood in Maximus and Sophia room so the room can be clean again and then the driver came and told Max
"Max I know what you have gone through and I feel bad."
Max replied "I know and thanks for everything you have done."
The driver said "Your welcome but there is also another thing."
Max asked "What is it?"
The driver said "Can you please go and freshen up."
Max replied "Okay I will."
Then Max went to go and bathe and when he was done he went back to his room but this time he carried his phone and he called his friends because he wanted to talk to them.