Chapter 32: Brown belt fight

The next morning Max did the same thing that he did before. He woke up early, had his bath when he was done he brought out neat clothes so he could wear it and when he was done he was going to the sitting room and this time he didn't forget to eat and when he was done eating he went to the sitting room and was watching tv and when it was time to go out Max and Richard went inside the limo and they were on their way.

As they were on the road Max asked

Max: Mr Richard what is the name of your wife.

Richard: Her name?.

Max: Yes.

Richard: Why do you want to know?.

Max: Because you guys are like family to me so I want to know all of your name.

Richard: Well here name is Annabelle.

Max: Okay and thanks for takin...

Richard: We have arrived.

Richard interrupted what Max was saying because he noticed that they have arrived at their destination and they came out of the limo and sat down in the audience seat and watched them as they started fighting but there was one particular person that Max was watching he defeated his opponent without even landing a hit on the person and his name was Andrew and his tactic was one that they have never seen before.

Because any time that he is fighting he will just be dodging then his knock out his opponent by just pushing his opponent.

And it was not a surprise that Andrew could make it to the quarter finals then the semifinals and lastly the finals and at the end he won the finals and they gave him the same prize as everyone else.

Then as Andrew was going Max ran to meet him and asked.

Max: Your name was Andrew right.

Andrew: Yeah what do you need.

Max: Can you please teach me how you were able to beat most of the people you were fighting without even landing a hit on them.

Andrew: That's a secret.

Max: But please can you teach me how you did it.

Andrew: Okay.

Max: Thanks.

Andrew: But what time should I teach you.

Max: Is the trick easy.

Andrew: Yea.

Max: Okay so we can do it on Saturday after we have finished our training.

Andrew: But where should we meet.

Max: We can meet at this dojo.

Andrew: Nice, but give me your phone number so that we can stay in touch.

Max: Okay my phone number is....

Richard: Hey, Max I have been looking for you.

Richard interrupted Max again and after Andrew saw Richard he greeted.

Andrew: Good afternoon sir.

Richard: Good afternoon how are you.

Andrew: I'm fine thank you.

Richard: So Max what were you doing since.

Max: I was asking Andrew if he could teach me some of the tricks he used.

Richard: So your name is Andrew.

Andrew: Yes sir.

Richard: So are you going to teach him.

Andrew: Yes I am.

Richard: When.

Andrew: On Saturday.

Richard: Okay Max let's go.

Max: Wait I have not yet given him my phone number.

Richard: Give it to him fast.

Then Max quickly gave Andrew his phone number and Richard took him back home.

When Max got home he had his lunch then later he had his dinner then Andrew called him and told Max to save the number that he just used to call Max and that is what Max did.

Then when it was time to sleep Max went to his bed room and dozed off.