Chapter 38: Perfection

After the extra training on Saturday, The next day which was Sunday was the day that Max would go to church. Then in the morning, Max woke up and got ready to go to church and he also woke Richard up and when he woke Richard, Richard woke Annabelle up and they got ready to go to church.

When they were ready to go to church, Max carried his Bible and went to church and when they got there they did all of the prayers that they were doing and when they were done, they went back home and when Max looked at his phone he saw that Andrew sent his another message.

Andrew(message): Max I hope that you are doing all the training that I gave you because on Saturday we will meet at your dojo to see how much you improved.

When Max saw this he replied Andrew but he didn't see it immediately because he was not online.

Max(message): I will start doing it on Monday, and okay we will meet at the dojo.

But to Max surprise, Andrew replied immediately.

Andrew(message): Okay.

So Max pulled his church clothes and wore his house clothes then he ate breakfast then he was just doing anything he wanted to do for the whole day. Then on Monday he was doing the training till on Friday.

Max was now fully ready to test his improvement and on Saturday he had the chance to do it. Early in the morning Max got ready to go and train and when he was done training he asked his coach if he could use the dojo again and his coach allowed him.

Then Max waited for Andrew to come and when he came Max greeted.

Max: Andrew, Good morning.

Andrew: Good morning, so are you ready.

Max: Yeah I did all the things you told me to do.

Andrew: So let's see how much you improved.

Then Andrew used 80%of his power and he did not even touch Max, So he started using full strength and Max was finding it difficult to dodge but he was still able to do it.

Andrew: You have finally mastered the technique.

Max: Yeah, but you did not improve at all.

Andrew: I know.

Max: But why.

Andrew: Well it would not be fair if I trained more then I will now gap you with speed then you will now have to train more so you can gap me in speed.

Max: Okay, so you were just using the amount of speed that you were using last week.

Andrew: Yeah.

Max: It's now I understand.

Andrew: But still continue to train so you can be way more faster.

Max: I will.

Then when Andrew left, Max started to lock all of the doors in the dojo and then Richard took him back home.