The 100,000th Suture

In the group dormitory of Tu Ya Hospital's intern doctors, the other roommates either did not return from the night shift or were sleeping soundly.

Only a handsome young man was practicing suturing tirelessly.

"201th, 202nd…"

Zhou Can would silently count every stitch he finished.

His target today was to complete 300 stitches.

He still gritted his teeth and persevered even though he was already exhausted and sleepy.

He had to be ruthless to himself. His one-year internship was about to end. The House Officer recruitment two days later was his only chance if he wanted to stay in the hospital to work.

Tu Ya was a Grade A Provincial Tertiary Hospital. It had all the necessary facilities and famous doctors.

If he could stay here and work, not only would he be able to learn many advanced medical skills, he would also be able to broaden his horizons and improve his structuring. There would be a lot of room for growth and his future would be bright.

Everyone wanted to stay, so the competition would definitely be extremely intense.

He was only slightly better at pathological diagnosis, while his medical skills were far behind that of outstanding interns.

If he wanted to stay, he had to work harder than others.

The pig skin in his hand that was covered in dense stitches witnessed his hard work.

The pig skin was extremely similar to human skin. It was a top-notch tool to practice suturing skin.

The closer it was to the human body, the better the practice effect.

Sleepiness was overtaking him. The hands on the wall clock were already pointing towards midnight.

He quickly washed his face with cold water and gritted his teeth to persevere and dispel his sleepiness.

Nearly two hours later, he used his steel-like resolve to complete 300 stitches.

[Congratulations on completing your 100,000th suture and triggering the EXP system. Medical skills and surgery practice can all be obtained.]

Zhou Can shook his head hard.

What the hell is this?

As he thought about it, something even more magical happened.

An interface appeared in front of him.

[Zhou Can, Intern.]

[Pathology Diagnosis, Level Two. Current EXP: 89.5/100. Outstanding House Officer-level diagnosis ability.]

[Incision, Level Two. Current EXP: 7.6/10. Intermediate Intern-level dissection ability.]

[Suture, Level One. Current EXP: 8.1/10. Outstanding Intern-level suturing ability.]

[Ligation, Level One. Current EXP: 8.5/10. Outstanding Intern-level ligation ability.]

[Hemostasis, Level One. Current EXP: 4.8/10. Failed Intern-level Hemostasis skill.]

He realized that all the scores were very pertinent after looking at all the stats.

Pathological diagnosis had always been his forte and his only advantage.

He was usually better than most interns when discussing medical records in the department.

Suturing and ligation were the medical skills he practiced the most.

It was not surprising that he could reach outstanding Intern-level.

As for the other medical skills, he was a little behind because his energy was limited and could not take care of them all.

"What's the use of this EXP system?"

Zhou Can had seen many protagonists in novels take off after obtaining the system. He naturally had to dig this 'Mountain of Gold' now that such a good thing had landed on him.

He tried to suture a needle in the pig skin.

[Suture EXP +0.1, ligation EXP +0.1.]

He could not help but feel ecstatic.

His EXP was only at 8.1 after practicing suturing 100,000 previously. Now, it had increased to 8.2 with just one suture. This speed of improvement was simply like riding a rocket.

At this rate, his EXP would increase to Level Two after another 18 stitches.

He was immediately filled with motivation and no longer sleepy.

He ignored the fact that the hour hand was already pointing at midnight and continued to practice suturing on the pig skin.

His EXP was also increasing.

The moment he finished the 14th stitch, it was as if an electric current surged through his entire body, making him feel comfortable.

[Congratulations on upgrading your ligation technique to Level Two! Current EXP 0/100. Inferior House Officer-level ligation ability.]

His understanding, application, and operating level of ligation seemed to have reached a new peak.

Good lord, he had risen to the standard of a House Officer so quickly!

I have the world in my hands with the cheat.

Encouraged with this result, he tried to tie a square knot with both hands on the spot.

It only took 0.5 seconds.

Previously the same square knot took him at least five seconds so he became 10 times faster.

It was incomparable to the knot he had made before he advanced, no matter in terms of neatness or sturdiness.

Rumor had it that Directors were so proficient at making knots that they could hold a needle holder with one hand and operate on tofu pudding or a ball of cotton and at the same time, ensure that there was no damage to the tofu pudding and that the knots were firm.

Just imagine how fragile the tofu pudding was. It would disintegrate with a casual tug when it was knotted.

Zhou Can was worlds apart from that level.

However, he believed that it was not impossible to surpass the director with this magical EXP system.

After trying to tie the knot with both hands, he tried to tie it with one hand. This time, it took 18 seconds, and the knot was relatively firm but the pull on the suture was a little tight.

He did not try to tie the knot with the pliers with one hand again.

If he could not even tie it with his hands, the knot with the oilers would definitely be worse.

Just like swordsmen in martial arts novels, they needed to cultivate their swordsmanship to the point where they could use it as they pleased before they could be considered to have achieved a small success.

The forceps and pliers were far from being alive in his hands.

It was even a little clumsy and could not even be agile.

Zhou Can lowered his head and continued his hard work.

Due to the increase in the level of ligation, his suturing speed also increased.

Soon, his suture EXP increased to 10/10 as he wished.

[Congratulations on upgrading your suturing technique to Level Two! Current EXP 0/100. Inferior House Officer level suturing ability.]

It had finally leveled up.

He grinned foolishly.

The wonderful feeling of his medical skills leveling up fascinated him.

This also meant that the gap between him and the outstanding interns was narrowing.

At this speed, it would not be long before he surpassed them.

After the suturing technique was upgraded, he was suddenly enlightened about some of the difficult things he could not understand in the past. His use and operation of suturing were completely different.

He could not wait to experience the upgraded suture technique.

He held the pin with a piler, pierced into the pig skin, came out from the other side and made a knot.

All his movements were done in one go, and he had the demeanor of an expert.

The time taken for a stitch was reduced by nearly 50 seconds. The suture effect had also improved qualitatively. The cortex of the wound was very neatly aligned. The angle of the stitch was just right, and the distance from the skin was just right.

This was the suturing ability after leveling up.

At this moment, he looked at the previous sutures.

He only had one word for them: "Trash!"

He could discover some shortcomings in the suture at a glance.

This felt like looking at the homework done in the first grade after entering the sixth grade of primary school. His face was filled with disdain. Why was his handwriting so ugly? He could even calculate such a simple math problem wrongly. How stupid.

He felt his medical skills improve rapidly. The invisible pressure that those outstanding interns gave him was almost gone.

Instead, he was filled with confidence.

At this moment, this piece of pig skin was already filled with stitches.

Zhou Can picked up the scalpel, prepared to squeeze out the last bit of its value.

After finding a suitable position, the scalpel carefully made an incision.

[Incision EXP +0.1.]

The EXP would increase by 0.1 with every cut he made.

After 21 cuts, this pig skin was useless.

As unwilling as he was, he could only dispose of the pig skin as trash even though he was only 0.3 EXP away from advancing to Level Two.

He would definitely be able to upgrade the incision technique to Level two if he bought another piece of pig skin tomorrow to practice.

The clock was already pointing to one in the morning. It was time to sleep.

He still had to go to work tomorrow.