Fighting Over The Position To Preside Over A Level Two Surgery

Even though the auntie's forehead was sweating from the pain and her face was twisted, she still tried her best to squeeze out a smile that was uglier than crying.

"Young man, it was my fault this morning. Please don't lower yourself to the level of an old woman like me."

She had no choice but to lower her head.

Being called Auntie by Zhou Can in the morning was like digging up her ancestral grave.

Now, she called herself an old woman in order to seek Zhou Can's forgiveness.

The auntie's ability to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages was really not an exaggeration.

His eyes were filled with the desire to live.

In the morning, she had said a lot of harsh words because she wanted to be happy. She had offended Zhou Can terribly. If she didn't apologize now, Zhou Can would stab her twice if she went on the operating table.

What could she do?

Actually, she was purely judging a gentleman with her own eyes.

Zhou Can was not as petty as her. It was even more impossible for him to blaspheme his career as a doctor and joke with the patient's life.

"Don't worry, this morning was just a misunderstanding. I won't hold it against you."

Zhou Can waved his hand magnanimously.

It was enough to get the patient to lower her head and apologize.

He felt quite good seeing this mean auntie lower her head.

"Good lad! This young man is really a good person! See if you can take special care of an old woman like me and not get my family to come over?"

The auntie pretended to be pitiful and begged pitifully.

"How can you do that without a family member? Who will take care of you if you're hospitalized? Let's push her out first. This Little Luo is simply fooling around. How can such a patient who doesn't meet the surgical conditions be pushed into the operating theater?"

Dr. Xu could tell that Zhou Can was only a newcomer. He had no experience dealing with such a difficult patient.

He became the villain with a dark expression.

The auntie really fell for this.

She panicked on the spot when she heard that they were going to push her out.

From morning until now, she had been queuing up to see a doctor. She had dragged her sick body for nearly a day before finally begging Dr. Luo outside to agree to operate on her in the emergency department.

Now that the surgery was about to begin, she naturally refused to give up because she did not waste any effort with anyone.

"Hey, hey, I'll make a call. I'll make a call now. Please, don't push me out!"

The auntie saw that the doctor in the lead was very strict and pretended to be pitiful. Her pleading did not work, so she could only obediently call for the family.

The call went through.

"Daughter…" The auntie had just called out to her daughter when she lost control of her emotions. She choked and could not continue.

He was a completely different person from his domineering and shrewish image in the outpatient hall in the morning.

"Mom, what's wrong?"

The young woman's soft voice came from the other end of the phone, her voice was sweet and carried a hint of laziness.

"I… Boohoo…"

The auntie cried first.

Zhou Can saw that this was not a problem. The emergency department's operating theater was very busy. If the auntie lost control of her emotions, it would probably be difficult for her to quickly express herself.

"Why don't I explain to your daughter!"

Zhou Can extended his hand and gestured.

The auntie pursed her lips tightly and handed the phone to him with red eyes.

"Hello, I'm a doctor from Tu Ya Hospital."

"What's wrong with my mom?"

The woman's voice was trembling, and she was clearly panicking.

She must be especially nervous to suddenly hear that her mother was sick in the hospital.

From this, it could be seen that their relationship was not bad.

The auntie was so sick. Why was she unwilling to tell her daughter?

"Your mother has a cecum stone and is in urgent need of surgery. But according to hospital regulations, considering that the patient needs to be hospitalized and that the surgery is risky, she must be accompanied by a family member."

"Ah… Is my mother's illness serious? She didn't even tell me! Doctor, I'll rush over immediately. May I ask which department of Tu Ya Hospital she is in?"

When the auntie's daughter suddenly heard that her mother was seriously ill, she was especially anxious.

"This is the emergency department of Tu Ya Hospital. When you arrive, go straight to the operating theater. When can you arrive?"

Zhou Can asked.

"About two hours! I'll ask the boss for leave and rush over immediately."

The mother and daughter probably did not live together.

It was a two-hour drive, at least a hundred kilometers away.

"Okay, be careful on the way."

Zhou Can hung up.

After returning the phone to the auntie, he looked at Dr. Xu.

In such a situation, if the family agreed to rush over to accompany them, they could either undergo surgery first or wait for the family to arrive.

"Doctor, I've already signed the surgery consent form. Please do it quickly!"

The auntie begged again.

Dr. Xu did not agree immediately. Instead, he said seriously, "Our emergency department can do your surgery. However, I want to tell you that from the results of your examination, even though the intestinal obstruction is a little serious, it's far from being life-threatening immediately. If you're not in a hurry, you can go to a specialized treatment. The technology in the specialized department is better and the instruments are more advanced. We can perform laparoscopic surgery for you. The wound is smaller and the recovery after the surgery is faster, but it'll be more expensive."

Laparoscopy was already considered a level-three surgery.

The technical requirements for doctors were higher and the equipment was more advanced.

From this point of view, specialties were indeed much better than emergency departments because they specialized in a certain field.

"No, no, I'll do it here."

The auntie shook her head repeatedly.

She was more suspicious and probably thought that the doctor wanted to trick her into spending more surgery fees.

Therefore, she rejected it without thinking.

"If you insist on doing this surgery in the emergency department, we can only do the conventional ones. Do you agree?"


"Alright, I'll arrange it for you."

Doctor Xu did not say anything else.

"Inform the anesthetist to come over and prepare for the preoperative anesthesia. Call Nurse Ye Tingting in to help. Tang Ling, prepare the patient first."

The cerebellum colitis surgery might seem to be a Level Two minor surgery, but it required at least five medical staff.

An anesthetist, the chief surgeon, an assistant, a perioperative nurse, and a patrol nurse.

It would be better for a female nurse to clean the skin of a female patient.

Soon, the anesthetist arrived. After looking at the patient's information and communicating with her, he confirmed that there was no problem and asked her to sign it.

The anesthesiologist then administered an epidural anesthesia on her.

"The anesthesia is successful. The patient's vital signs are normal. The surgery can be carried out."

Doctor Xu was already standing in the position of the chief surgeon.

Zhou Can felt his eyes burn.

The previous two surgeries were only small-scale.

This was especially true for the patient with the forehead injury. Even in a level-one surgery, it could only be considered the simplest.

This appendectomy was a real Level Two surgery.

Moreover, it was considered a relatively difficult Level Two surgery.

If he could obtain the opportunity to train in this surgery, it would be very meaningful to Zhou Can.

Among the relevant regulations, there was a provision in the doctor's surgical ability evaluation. If 80% of the surgical types of the same level were completed, it would be considered as a passable surgical ability evaluation and could be given surgical authority of the same level.

What did he mean?

In other words, if Zhou Can could complete 80% of the surgery alone, he would be able to obtain the authority to perform a Level Two surgery.

Of course, he could not practice medicine alone because he had yet to obtain his doctor's license, let alone register his medical license.

However, it was easier to take advantage of the shade!

It was not a problem to work under the guidance of a senior doctor.

There was a lot to learn here.

Hospitals have a three-tiered responsibility system.

Zhou Can was only a House Officer. The doctor in charge of him, as well as a higher-level doctor, had to be responsible for his actions.

If he treated the patient to death, Dr. Xu would be the one taking the main responsibility.

It was obvious that Dr. Xu would naturally keep a close eye on him since this concerned his future and fate.

He definitely did not dare to let him do higher-risk jobs.

If Zhou Can could display the strength to complete a Level Two surgery alone, it would be different.

At the very least, in Dr. Xu's heart, he could obtain the qualifications to enter Level Two surgery.

In the future, if there was such a job, she would leave it to him without worry.

This was what Zhou Can needed.

The operating theaters of the Emergency Department were basically Level One and Two surgeries.

If he could only obtain the qualifications to perform Level One surgeries, he would definitely miss many opportunities. For example, it would be very difficult to train and improve medical skills like dissection, separation, and anastomosis.

If Zhou Can could also perform a Level Two surgery, that would be awesome and could easily earn 200 to 300 EXP points for a day in the operating theater.