Chapter three hundred and eight: Why is the Royal Family so good?_2

"Alright, we've been away for a while now. Once this matter is settled, let's head back for a visit," Sean Knight made the decision.

"Boss is wise!" Douglas Cooper immediately started to flatter him with a smile.

"Go get ready, at least change your clothes. People here take this stuff more seriously."

Fortunately, everyone had come prepared and changed their clothes, just waiting for the banquet.

At noon, Andrew Petrov personally came to invite Sean and his team, taking them to the location of the banquet.

They entered the King's Palace Main Building, made several turns, and finally arrived at the banquet hall.

Luckily, they had all seen grand halls domestically in China, even the Imperial Palace a few times, so their feelings toward this palace were not too astonishing; it was just like that.