Chapter 367: Mine, Mine, All Mine!

Looking at Lana Brown treating the Buddha statue like a treasure, cleaning it delicately and carefully, Elijah Hastings and the others watched her as if they were staring at an dull hat.

Considering all the fabulous things they had seen under their boss's lead, well, what on earth was this Buddha statue?

Handling the Buddha statue carefully and wrapping it up safely, Lana Brown happily said to Sean Knight:

"Mr. Knight, you can rest for a while, the food will be ready soon!"

Finishing her words, she turned around cheerfully to continue cooking.

"This beautiful girl will soon become a fangirl of the boss." Elijah Hastings teased.

"What do you mean 'soon'? She already is."

"Whatever. Considering the boss's travels and his awesomeness, it's normal to have a few more fangirls." Elijah Hastings laughed softly.

Sean Knight didn't react to their words. Although he could hear them, he never took such gossip seriously.