Chapter 545: The Treasure is Hidden So Secretively!

"Boss, are we all going down?" Elijah Hastings asked.

"No, you and I will go, Lincoln Harrington and Douglas will stay outside to guard," Sean Knight waved his hand, "Our tent is quite conspicuous, plus the car. Anyone who sees it will probably think about coming over to scout.

So, we must leave people outside."

"Alright," Lincoln Harrington packed up the tool shovel and, taking the assault rifle from his back, said, "We'll stay here and guard."

"I'm going up there to keep a lookout," Douglas Cooper also took his gun and left the tent to find a high place suitable for observation, put on camouflage clothing, and lay down to observe.

Sean Knight and Elijah Hastings, each holding a high-powered flashlight in one hand and a tool shovel in the other, with rifles on their backs, entered the cave.

The air inside was mixed with a slightly unpleasant smell, but Sean Knight could tell that the air in the cave was circulating, at least it wasn't completely sealed off.