Chapter 635: Raising a White-Eyed Wolf!

Sean Knight drove back to the Courtyard, where the night had already fallen completely dark.

Those people hadn't followed him, and Sean didn't know whether they planned to make their move in the quiet of the night or if they simply hadn't found the place yet.

Sean parked the car outside the Courtyard and walked in.

Just as he entered the Courtyard, he heard the sounds of a fierce argument coming from inside the house.

"...we can't just leave! They've been good to us, and they need our help..."

This was the voice of Captain Wang's son, Wang Tianlei, sounding very agitated.

"Help for what? Is it just because that girl brought you food for two days and now you feel grateful? Don't forget, if it weren't for her, our family wouldn't have been captured in the first place!"

This was the voice of Captain Wang's wife.