Chapter 5: The Changing Timeline

Before the second simulation, Zhang Yun still had one more matter to deal with. He had to decide whether he should establish a contract with Milano, the Silver Wolf.

According to the system notification, each hero soul had five individual contract opportunities. Every chance was distinct from the other—except that the higher the number of contracts made, the more potential limits might be unlocked. 


Zhang Yun only had one slot for a Shadow Hero.

Once he successfully entered into a contract with Milano, Zhang Yun would not be able to contract other hero souls casually. 

Zhang Yun only had two options. He could increase his strength and unlock the second Shadow Hero summoning slot. 

Otherwise, he could initiate the Shadow Contract with Milano and replace him with a new Shadow Hero later on.

If it were the former, Zhang Yun was clueless about the required strength before he could unlock a new summoning slot. 

Did Zhang Yun need to reach Level 5 then? Zhang Yun might even have to work himself to death to reach Level 50.

Meanwhile, the latter choice would only waste Zhang Yun's efforts for the Silver Wolf Milano.

This included the wasted contract opportunity, the time and energy Zhang Yun invested, the experience points Zhang Yun gained from forming a bond, the equipment and weapons Zhang Yun had equipped to Milano, and so on.

This feeling was akin to…painstakingly raising a five-star character in a card drawing game, only for another card to replace it. There was no other option but to absolutely delete the five-star character card in order to draw another one. 

Much worse...

The new card would require plenty of investments to be raised. 

It would be impossible to utilize the new card.

Other than that, there was another deeply serious problem.

Zhang Yun would permanently use up the contract opportunities every time he established one with Milano. This was true in every subsequent parallel world simulation, regardless of the outcome. The Shadow Contract could not be casually made.

However, every time a contract was entered into, the upper limit of Milano's growth would be expanded.

For instance:

In the first round, Milano's uprising failed, and he died at the border with just a C-grade overall evaluation.

In the second round, Milano could rely on Zhang Yun's "cheat". He might successfully rebel and even kill his way to the capital. The obtainable common treasures along the simulation could increase Milano's strength by a lot.

By then, Milano would end with a B-grade overall evaluation.

Should Milano immediately die right at the beginning of the third round, he would retain his B-grade overall evaluation from the second round. Milano's strength would not weaken.

In the fourth round, Zhang Yun could also change his general starting path and avoid meeting Milano. With that, Milano might die at some point. Even so, Milano would retain his B-grade overall evaluation…

With those choices, Milano's growth potential would be fixed until the end of the fifth round. Even if Zhang Yun attempted to start another simulation and remedy it, Milano would not have any room for improvement.

Zhang Yun's goal was to continue increasing Milano's growth limit. This would require priceless heavenly and common treasures from the real world.

But then…

There was no guarantee Zhang Yun could secure such treasures. 

If he was lucky enough to get one or two items, Zhang Yun would definitely use them himself to enhance his combat power and lessen his death chances. 

It was impossible to give the treasures to Milano, who was a summoned creature, first.

And this...

This meant...

The five contract opportunities for each hero's soul were of utmost importance. It was best not to waste them if possible.

Otherwise, Zhang Yun would not even have the chance to regret it.

Zhang Yun knew very little about the situation in the Ice Kingdom. He could not ensure that the next four simulations would make Milano stronger and that the latter would gain amazing growth potential.

If he were to contract Milano rashly, Zhang Yun would only waste the summoning slot of his first Shadow Hero to receive a professional warrior who was not much stronger than himself.

And so.

Zhang Yun suppressed the curiosity and desire in his heart.

He gave up on the contract opportunity.

The best decision would be to enter the Shadow Contract after figuring out the timeline of the Ice Kingdom and finding a way to increase the power of Milano within the plot.

"Alright! Let's start the second plot simulation!"

[Current Shadow Plane: Ice Kingdom (Highest B+)]

[Time Node: Year 346 of the Sunset Calendar, the Snow God's Birthday (Snow God Festival)]

[Major Event of the Era: The emperor of Ventaginya Kingdom, Ice Emperor Odin, was old and weak. He did not have much time left…]

[Please choose the faction you want to join.]

[A: Ice Princess - Royal Army] 

[B: Flame Emperor - Imperial Army]

[C: Other Countries - Random Forces] 

[D: Don't help anyone - Become King]

It was the exact same opening.

It was the same options.

Zhang Yun didn't think too much about it and chose Option D. He wanted to experience Milano's plot first, then consider the remaining three plot lines and find other hero souls that suited his taste.


Why did Zhang Yun feel something ominous...

[System Notice: Because you have not contracted any hero's soul, the landing point this time is still random. You cannot choose the contracted hero's soul as an anchor point for a fixed landing.]

Zhang Yun was utterly speechless.

What happened?


Did the timeline change?!

[Year 344 of the Sunset Calendar, Snow God's Birthday—2 Years Ago]

[Ice Emperor Odin of the Ventaginya Kingdom has suddenly fallen ill and is unable to rule. The Hand of the King, Bu Lai, has taken over as Odin's proxy to supervise the government.]

[At this time, the entire kingdom is in a state of panic. All the forces are in turmoil because Odin has no male offspring, only a young princess.]

[Although there have been precedents of a queen succeeding the throne in the kingdom's history, people are very skeptical about whether the 14-year-old princess has the ability to inherit the throne and suppress the nobles in various places.]

[A storm is coming. Your shadow has descended on a bandit's lair at the border of the Ice Kingdom. You have possessed the body of a bandit who had died from excitement and reincarnated.]

[When you open your eyes, you see a 20-year-old girl kneeling in the cage in front of you. She is shackled. Her clothes are barely covering her body, and her face is brimming with tears. A group of shirtless bandits is attempting to commit something heinous to the girl.]

[Choose your option.]

[A: Join the bandits.] 

[B: Kill all the bandits and enjoy the treat alone.] 

[C: Kill all the bandits and save the girl.] 

[D: Kill the girl and enjoy the bandit title by yourself.]

[Special: Lead your Shadow Legion to personally descend and interfere.]


Was Zhang Yun given a villainous background this time?

And what was going on with Option D?

Zhang Yun decisively chose Option C. He wasn't born a bad person. After seeing a girl getting bullied by a bastard, Zhang Yun decided to save her and finish the mission.

[After you decided to save the girl, you hid behind the crowd and found the right opportunity to suddenly pull out the axe from your waist and sneakily attack the tallest and mightiest bandit.]

[The bandits turned their heads when they heard the sound. They were shocked and suspicious. They asked what you were doing.]

[You remain unmoved and used the power of your shadow, thereby turning the dead bandits into Shadow Soldiers. Then, you ordered the Shadow Soldiers to kill and exterminate the rest of the bandits.]

[The Shadow Soldiers relied on their newly acquired strength to kill the bandits like hungry wolves amongst a flock of sheep. In just a few moves, they easily annihilated the bandits.]

[You used the same trick and turned the other corpses into Shadow Soldiers. Then, you walked to the cell where the girl was imprisoned and clearly told her that you wanted to save her. You also planned to return her to her hometown.]

[The girl was too frightened and didn't know what to do. She didn't respond to you.]

[At this moment, the bandit who was standing guard outside the house noticed that something was wrong. He pushed the door open and saw the bloody scene in the house.]

[The bandit quickly screamed and fled to spread what you did.]

[You could only leave two Shadow Soldiers behind and order them to protect the girl. You took the remaining Shadow Soldiers and chase after the bandit. You killed every bandit you meet along the way. The entire bandit's lair was bathing with their blood…]