Chapter 13: Punishment (2/2)

That scrawny man maintained a calm gaze in the face of an extremely dangerous Time-Limited Invasion Event. He didn't even bolt out at the first moment.

Obviously, the other person was also a professional and not an ordinary mortal.


It should be him, right?

Zhao Dashu did not think too much about it. He was not interested in competing with others, and he did not care about the rewards for clearing low-level dungeons.

The reason why Zhao Dashu had come to this Time-Limited Invasion Dungeon was not only to help the weak ordinary mortals but also to use the various monsters within to train and improve his combat skills.

It was a good foundation for future difficult battles.


Zhao Dashu did not choose to leave the dungeon immediately. Instead, he continued to fight with the group of gnolls. Once he had killed all of them, he would then challenge the Gnoll Leader.

This Gnoll Leader had a '2-star Bronze' rating and was two levels higher than Zhao Dashu. The opponent was equivalent to a Level 5 D-grade Professional. It received an additional double attribute bonus and commanded a group of gnoll underlings to protect it.

More importantly…

Its level was higher than Zhao Dashu's, so it had additional attributes from the level suppression effect. The more severe the level of suppression was, the more the additional attributes would increase.

Normally, it would take at least a team of three professionals at the third level to challenge it.

However, Zhao Dashu was not an ordinary professional. He was an outstanding student with an average attribute growth rate of C-grade. He had also accumulated a lot of combat experience in the past year's battles.


He could rely on medicine and potions to temporarily strengthen his combat ability.

Physical strength and health points could be replenished. 

In the end, the ferocious gnoll whom Zhao Dashu fought only lasted for five minutes before the former was cut in half by the latter's black iron greatsword.

The total time to clear the game—8 minutes and 16 seconds.


It was alright.

Zhao Dashu had improved quite a bit compared to before.

As he thought about it, Zhao Dashu exited the Time-Limited Invasion Dungeon. He did not receive the reward for clearing the dungeon, nor did he collect the various herbs and ores that appeared randomly in the dungeon.

Even if Zhao Dashu's family didn't own a mine, they were still considered wealthy. Hence, the low-level materials, which were worth hundreds or thousands in the eyes of others and enough to feed other families, didn't interest him. 

At this moment, the city square had been surrounded by well-trained city guards.

Seeing Zhao Dashu exit the Reality Invasion Event in a good state, a city guard in a black combat suit quickly came forward and asked, "Hello! Student, thank you for helping us clear this Time-Limited Invasion Event. If I may ask, can you tell me what the final BOSS is?"

Zhao Dashu scratched the back of his head in confusion.

"Ah? That one? I didn't clear this event... Didn't you see the professional who came out first?"

The city guard shook his head.

"No, I didn't. When we arrived, the portal had already turned green. Then, we saw you come out alone. There was no one else at the scene."

Zhao Dashu rubbed his hands in embarrassment.

"Is that what happened? I was going to ask who the professional was... Forget it, the final BOSS is a Level 5 Gnoll Leader. I'll share its attributes with you!"

As he spoke, Zhao Dashu took out a black rectangular device the size of an NS game console, which looked like a Pokemon guide. He pulled up the information of the Gnoll Leader recorded on it and displayed it in front of the city guards.

The other party also took out a similar white rectangular device and scanned Zhao Dashu's device. Then, he saluted and spoke.

"Alright. Young professional, thank you for contributing to the safety of the city."

The city guard in a black combat suit stepped aside and waved to his companions behind him. He had already collected information about the BOSS. They could finally remove the red cordon to open the road again.

At once, everyone began to move.

They restored order to the entire square, brought back all the passengers who had evacuated to the safe point, and broadcasted a safety announcement as if the Reality Invasion Event had never happened.

The people were not interested in who cleared the Time-Limited Invasion Dungeon, nor did they want to know how long the other party had spent or how heaven-defying his strength was.

The crowd was more concerned with settling the situation quickly and resting. They would rather gather for a drink after work. 

That was the most important thing.

Zhao Dashu also did not look for Zhang Yun.

Zhang Yun's strength did attract Zhao Dashu's interest. It was just like a little wife who had attracted the attention of an overbearing president.

Nevertheless, Zhao Dashu and Zhang Yun were strangers who had just met and might not be connected in the future. Zhao Dashu didn't need to waste his time on finding a stranger without any background information. 


Perhaps the two could meet during the assessment of professionals...

Just like that, Zhang Yun left the train station without attracting attention and rode a yellow taxi on his way home.

When Zhang Yun reached home, it was 11:30 in the afternoon.

Zhang Yun's aunt was about to get off work.

Zhang Yun could not meet his two adorable little cousins either due to school. He would have to wait until 5:00 in the afternoon before Zhang Yun could personally pick them up from the elementary school. 

As a result, he could only organize his luggage first, then steam the rice, cut the vegetables, marinate the pork in the refrigerator, and start cooking.

He took care of their meal.

Wearing a white shirt, coupled with a black suit, tight skirt, and black silk stockings, Zhang Yun's aunt took out the key from her small bag and opened her door.

She saw two white sneakers at the door of her house and heard the sound of the exhaust fan from the kitchen.

"Eh? Zhang Yun, you're back!?"


Zhang Yun stuck his head out from the kitchen and said, "Yup. I chose my class last night and came back by car this morning."

Upon hearing this, Zhang Yun's aunt was thrilled. She didn't even change her shoes and ran straight into the kitchen.

"Why didn't you tell me in advance? Wuuu! I was scared to death! I thought there was a thief in the house!"

Zhang Yun lowered his head and looked at his aunt, who looked like a primary school student.

"Thieves don't know how to cook. Aunty, come. Try and see if my cooking skills have deteriorated. I haven't cooked properly in two years."

As he spoke, Zhang Yun took the last plate of stir-fried shredded pork with green pepper out of the kitchen and placed it on the dining table. Then, he took out the local specialties he brought back from the refrigerator in the kitchen, poured some on the plate, and served it at the dining table.

Zhao Yiyi, the young-looking aunt of Zhang Yun, jumped onto the chair like a rabbit.

"How is it? Did the class change go smoothly? What class did you choose?"

Zhang Yun answered casually, "It's going quite smoothly. I chose the Priest class. Oh, by the way, when I returned today, I happened to encounter a Reality Intrusion Event. I teamed up with others and dug out a lot of herbs and ores from it. I can sell them in the afternoon. I made a small profit."

Zhao Yiyi's beautiful eyes widened.

"What? It's that powerful?"

Zhang Yun didn't want Zhao Yiyi to worry about him, so he lied a little.

"Hehe. Aunty, I spent two years working out without neglecting my training. I reawakened four times in a row. If I don't get a powerful growth talent by then…how can that be?"

Zhao Yiyi revealed a cute and innocent smile.

"Okay, okay. I know you've had a hard time these past two years. I'll make you your favorite chicken soup tonight, alright?"

After a pause, Zhao Yiyi instructed seriously, "But you have to be careful. If you encounter dangerous dungeons and events, don't enter them. If you accidentally enter them, retreat from them. Don't be greedy. It's fine if you don't have money. We can earn money slowly. You're not allowed to take any risks. Do you hear me?"

Zhang Yun revealed a carefree smile.

"Hehe! Aunty, don't you know me well enough? When it comes to stability and vileness, if I say I'm ranked second, not many would dare to claim to be first. I'm a natural-born master of prudence! I can't take risks. I can only lie down and pick up some trash in low-level dungeons. That's my life's creed! Don't worry!"

Zhao Yiyi pouted her lips adorably.

"Hmph." She snorted. "Don't be so talkative. I'm just afraid that you'll be too arrogant after awakening a good talent. Alright, let's not talk about this anymore. I still have to write a project proposal later. It will be needed for the meeting in the afternoon. We have to quickly settle this matter at the dinner table."

"(.-ω-) Hu! Hu!"
