Chapter 17: Full-Level Clip Sound

After careful consideration, Zhang Yun finally decided to waste a chance for Fjolm to grow and study the background of the mage from the Five Dragon Generals.

After all...

No matter how good or bad the results were, Zhang Yun would still receive different rewards. 

If Zhang Yun missed a day, he might lose a top-grade skill book. The loss would hard to estimate.

On the other hand, Fjolm's Overall Evaluation had already reached B-grade. Even if there was an effort to increase it, the grade would not go higher than B+.

As long as one of the three simulations was successful, Fjolm's resulting strength would be improved even if a chance was wasted. By then, her potential value would be pushed to the highest.

Even if all of Fjolm's chances failed, the worst result would be a demotion to a 'B' genius professional from a 'B+' genius professional. 

Zhang Yun didn't mind it. It was acceptable. 


As a result…

Zhang Yun's second goal of exploring the Ice Kingdom was barely completed.

The remaining four goals needed to be dealt with.

Foremost, the first, third, and fourth goals should be disregarded in the meantime. All of those would take time, so Zhang Yun didn't need to rush. 

What Zhang Yun did not lack the most was time.

He should mainly focus on the fifth goal. 

Zhang Yun had to create a human identity for Fjolm. 

Such a goal seemed difficult, but it was actually achievable. 

After all, the border of every main city was the territory of dangerous monsters. The communication between cities was relatively weak, and the speed of information exchange was also very slow. Many times, a top-tier combat power was required to personally transmit information.

What about phones, the internet, messenger pigeons, and so on then?

Don't even think about them!

Those invading monsters from the dungeon events… 

They wouldn't allow anyone to establish a global network so easily for real-time communication.

As a result, some professionals who were running around always needed to obtain new identification documents in different main cities.


The weaker professionals couldn't cause any waves or draw attention at all!

The Professional Alliance of every main city was only concerned with the ID card of powerful professionals. Besides, the card was nothing more than a means to track the situation. 

Many 'black accounts' would take this opportunity to find a faster way to get their certificate of identity.

They would then settle down in the new city to earn money and support their family.

As long as they became five-star good citizens, obeyed the law, and did not commit offenses…

Without changing the identity…

The Professional Alliance would turn a blind eye and allow these people who 'violated the rules' to obtain their identity certificates and live in their chosen city.

But could it be considered easy?

In truth, most people didn't have the ability, nor did they have powerful connections. It would be impossible without a reliable back door.

What a coincidence!

Zhang Yun belonged to a group of people who had powerful connections.

Did anyone notice that the handsome young man, Qin Shi, was holding the ID of a girl called 'Qin Mingyue' in his hand?

"Hey, Qin Shi, I have a favor to ask of you. It's time to test our brotherhood."

Qin Shi put down the "Advanced Elements" in his hand and looked at Zhang Yun with a puzzled expression.

"What is it? Speak," Qin Shi said.

Zhang Yun touched his nose and said, "I have a friend who is from overseas. She needs to apply for an ID to visit Little Lantern Grass City. Can you help her?"

Qin Shi blinked.

"A foreigner? Male or female? An ordinary mortal or a professional?"

Zhang Yun answered, "A female professional."

Hearing this, Qin Shi placed his index finger on his lips. This action once again revealed Qin Shi's mature and sophisticated expression while deep in thought.

After a long time, Qin Shi suddenly became serious and asked in a low voice, "If it's a professional…can you guarantee that her origin and background are clean? Is she a foreign spy?"

Zhang Yun shrugged and leaned back in his chair. He said with certainty, "She's very clean. She is only at the first level. She doesn't have the potential of becoming important to the Professional Alliance. At most, she can take the test for beginner professionals that grants permission outside the city. Rather than sending her to steal information as a spy, isn't it better to send a high-level assassin to sneak into the headquarters of the Professional Alliance in our city?"

After listening, Qin Shi revealed a relaxed expression and slowly said, "First level? She is really clean. Alright, it's fine. Send me her one-inch photo and the name you want. I'll bring you her ID in three days."

Zhang Yun asked, "How much will it cost?"

Qin Shi sat on the chair with his legs crossed. He raised his right hand and gestured the number three.

"Thirty thousand. Get your friend to prepare the money."

Zhang Yun nodded and said, "Understood!"

Excellent! The fifth goal was accomplished. Now, Zhang Yun could return to the house and proceed to the next round of text simulation.

As he thought about it, Zhang Yun's phone in the pocket of his sweater rang. 

When he opened the device, he found that the 'Basic Materials' and the '2-star Bronze Mace' had all been bought by others.

The total transaction amount was 2100 yuan.

After deducting the 10% processing fee, Zhang Yun would get 1890 yuan as profit. The Professional Alliance would transfer the money immediately, and he would receive it at night or tomorrow morning.

Qin Shi came over and glanced at it curiously.

"So fast? And all of them were sold? It seems that you set the price a bit low."

Zhang Yun put away his phone and gathered the history books on the table together. He said indifferently, "I'm fine. I only wanted to experience the process. I'll slowly study the price trend of those materials in the future."

After a pause, Zhang Yun picked up the stack of history books on the table and stood up from the chair. He asked in a low voice, "I already found what I wanted to see. What about you? If you want to read a little more, I'll sit here and wait for you."

Qin Shi closed the book "Advanced Elements" and stood up from the chair. He flipped his long hair behind his back out of habit. He couldn't hide his elegance. 

"Let's go then. I have already fully understood elemental reactions."

Zhang Yun understood the meaning behind Qin Shi's words.

"Oh. I understand. Same old place, my treat. Drink as much as you want."

Qin Shi displayed a sweet smile.

"And then accompany me to the mall to buy a few dresses?"

Zhang Yun refused decisively, "I have to refuse. I'd rather die than enter a women's clothing store with you."

Qin Shi gave a faint smile.

"You see. You're being too petty. Although I have a male body, my heart yearns for a beautiful girl. How can you deny my determination and treat me coldly?"

Zhang Yun rolled his eyes, "If I'm really treating you coldly, I would have punched you a long time ago. You're so cute. You must be very beautiful when you cry, right?"

Qin Shi placed his hands behind his back and revealed a shy expression.

"So... Are you really not going to accompany me?"

Zhang Yun stood firm. "I'm not going."

Qin Shi revealed a wicked smile.

"Then I'm going to use my ultimate skill, okay?"

"Full~ Level~ The little throwing stick is here~"


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