Chapter 20: The Abandoned People of the Volcanic Region

"The Flame Emperor and the Five Dragon Generals of the Prongia Empire? That group of people from the volcanic region?"

Fjolm was a little curious. Zhang Yun had a rare top-tier class, and he could fight against a regular army by himself. Why would he pay attention to the 'abandoned people' in the volcanic region? Those people had almost been forgotten by the world.

Zhang Yun said, "Yes. Tell me everything you know."

Although Fjolm was curious, she didn't probe further. Instead, she shared everything she knew about the Prongia Empire.

"The Prongia Empire was located to the north of Ventaginya Kingdom. The world called it Volcanic State."

This was because their empire was built right above a massive volcano.

The volcano was not in danger of eruption due to the help of the first Fire God who used his divine power to seal it entirely.

However, the temperature all year round was sweltering hot, and volcanic ashes were scattered in the air. The environment was not suitable for planting crops, so their state appeared desolate, and food was extremely scarce.


Given that the people of the Prongia Empire were all descendants of the Fire God, their physiques were very special. They were incapable of getting acclimated to territories without high temperatures, and they wouldn't survive on continents dominated by cold climates.

Likewise, a large-scale war broke out in the past. 

Given that their domain was on barren land on a volcano, the citizens of the Prongia Empire didn't get involved nor participate in conflicts beyond their area. 

It was as if there was a second world completely separated from the continent.

As a result, the rest called them 'abandoned people'.

Of course, these 'abandoned people' were not stupid. They knew that their territory was not suitable for farming, so they found another way to survive and develop. 

And that way was to vigorously develop the military industry.

The people of the Prongia Empire had the best control over the fire element in the entire continent. Their weapon-forging skills were also better than that of the other countries.

Using superior weapons and rare ores mined from volcanoes to exchange for food from other countries was their means of survival to this day.

As for the Flame Emperor and the Five Dragon Generals...

Fjolm wasn't very clear about it. She only knew that the volcanic land used to be extremely chaotic internally. Although it was a single state in name, there were actually many divided clans.

The natives of the volcanic land could not interfere in the conflicting interests on the continent while the various countries on the continent could not interfere in the domestic affairs of the volcanic land.

Hence, infighting within the Prongia Empire was prevalent. 


When the genius professional named 'Garukasa' appeared out of nowhere...

The direction of the wind suddenly changed.

With his own power, Garukasa defeated and subdued all the clans in the volcanic region. Then, he unified the land and deemed himself the 'Emperor of Flame' or 'Flame Emperor' for short.

The once chaotic volcanic land had now become a real empire. A mighty force was under the rule and dictatorship of Flame Emperor Garukasa.

This was all the information about Prongia that Fjolm knew.

Zhang Yun fell silent when he received the details.

After asking for a long time, Zhang Yun figured out the background of the Prongia Empire and the reason why the Ice Kingdom was not wary of Garukasa. Nevertheless, he still failed to discover the specific strength of the Flame Emperor and the Five Dragon Generals.

What was even more annoying was...

From the looks of it, it wasn't just Zhang Yun who didn't know the domestic affairs of the Prongia Empire. Even the other nobles didn't know how strong the military power of the Prongia Empire was.

After all...

They could never have imagined that this group of abandoned people who could not live under normal temperatures would one day raise the butcher's knife, which represented invasion, against the Ice Kingdom, the place with the coldest climate on the continent.


The resources of the Prongia Empire were inferior.

Based on common sense, even if the Prongia Empire had better weapons and equipment, it was impossible for them to contend with the rich and powerful Ice Kingdom in a head-on war...

Sigh… At the end of the day, it was the people of the Ice Kingdom who had been living too comfortably and had underestimated their enemies.

After all, the volcanic region wouldn't be able to spare some hands to interfere with the affairs of the mainland when there was a civil war among their clans. The Ice Kingdom could simply let the people of the Prongia Empire fight each other and not meddle.

However, when Flame Emperor Garukasa, who was ambitious and full of aspirations, appeared...

The subjects of the Ice Kingdom should have been more vigilant.

At the very least, the Ice Kingdom should send out scouts and spies to study the military strength of this 'new' country, especially the group of professionals who represented the leading forces of the Prongia Empire.

That was right!

This referred to the Five Dragon Generals. 

If the Five Dragon Generals were only concerned with guarding their territory in good faith…

Then, there was no need to be wary. 

However, if the Prongia Empire was dissatisfied with being confined to their volcanic land, they had the option of uniting their forces to take over the rest of the world. The Ice Kingdom should have made the preparations in advance and gauged the possible threat before trouble could occur. 

The Ice Kingdom was blind and clueless. The invasion was inevitable…

Zhang Yun had no choice.

He could only ask in a roundabout way to roughly judge the strength of the enemy.

"Fjolm, I want to know if you have seen a professional above the fifth level or... Have you ever seen a distinguished expert who can kill you in one move and leave you no time to react?"

Fjolm replied with a puzzled look, "Above the fifth level? Since ancient times, the fifth level had always been the upper limit of professionals. There has never been a professional who has broken through such a limit. Why would you ask this question?"

Zhang Yun was speechless.


It seemed like the Ice Kingdom was a low-level world.

They didn't even have dungeons. The weapons and equipment they used were all handmade. Naturally, they wouldn't have access to items that could help them break through the fifth level. 

Without noticing the strange expression that flashed across Zhang Yun's face, Fjolm continued, "As for an expert who can easily crush me… Naturally, there are people who can. For example, the Ice Emperor when he was young, Royal Knight Dulan, and Mage Swordsman Russell. All of them are geniuses who are far stronger than me. I couldn't even take a single hit from them. I will be defeated."

'Hmmm… If this was the case…'

Zhang Yun could roughly estimate the power of the purple-robed mage.

Level 5…

The mage could grasp the power of space and use high-level skills such as teleportation…

He also knew dark-element magic and release shadow orbs…

Zhang Yun was not sure if the mage had mastered the conventional elemental magic like Qin Shi.

The growth rate of the purple-robed mage's four-dimensional attributes was naturally above B, unlike the 'pseudo' B-grade that required a comprehensive evaluation to slowly grow like in Fjolm's case.


The purple-robed mage's four-dimensional attributes also far exceeded that of Fjolm, who had yet to officially grow into a 'pseudo' B-grade professional. He could attack faster than Fjolm and deal much heavier damage.

Zhang Yun was instantly killed by him without any power to fight back.