Chapter 30: An Unimaginably Bountiful Reward

[Experience Summary]

[You were reincarnated at the border of the Ice Kingdom. With the memories of your previous life, you helped strengthen Fjolm's Revolutionary Army and suppressed the Royal Army at the border. You personally went to the volcanic region and killed Dark Knight Leon of the Five Dragon Generals. You saved Hero Kanan of the Five Dragon Generals, and with his aid, you defeated and stop the assassination attempt of Mage Nesia of the Five Dragon Generals. In the end, you successfully liberated the entire northern territory. However, just as you were planning to go south, the Ice Kingdom's capital was suddenly seized by the Flame Emperor...]


[Contact with Hero Soul]

[Name: Kanan (Hero; Five Dragon Generals)]

[Level: Level 1 (C-level Experience Conversion Rate)]

[Class: Hero (a profession with strong offense but weak defense)]

[Attributes (Initial State): Strength (B-), Constitution (C), Spirit (C), Agility (B-)]

[Skill: Blue Sky, Diamond Breath]

[Specialty: None]

[Innate Skill: Double Slash]

[Overall Evaluation: B+]

[Description: One of the Five Dragon Generals of the Prongia Empire; Codenamed Hero; One of the survivors of the Maple Leaf Clan who hid in the Flame Canyon with the remaining 32 children.]

[Remaining Contracts: 5]


[Contact with Hero Soul]

[Name: Leon (Dark Knight; Five Dragon Generals)]

[Level: Level 1 (C-level Experience Conversion Rate)]

[Class: Heavy Knight (a physical profession that combines attack and defense)]

[Attributes (Initial State): Strength (B), Constitution (B), Spirit (D+), Agility (B-)]

[Skills: Cavalry's Coat of Arms, Triple Death Slash, Desperate Strike]

[Specialty: Dark Cursed Spear]

[Innate Skill: None]

[Overall Evaluation: B+]

[Description: One of the Five Dragon Generals of the Prongia Empire; Codenamed Dark Knight; Loves to kill; Does not follow common sense; Always called 'crazy' by the other Five Dragon Generals.]

[Remaining Contracts: 5]



[Random Equipment]

[Name: White Staff]

[Quality: 1-star Silver]

[Level: Level 1 (The highest smithing level is Level-5.)]

[Equipment Position: Weapon]

[Equipment Requirements: Limited to "Priest" class.]

[Equipment Effect: Increases Spirit Attribute slightly; Buffs all healing effects by 30%; Shortens casting time of all healing skills (including chanting speed) by 20%] 

[Description: A healing staff, embedded with a gem at the tip. It constantly emits a pure white light. Perhaps it can be used as a flashlight at night?]



[Random buff of the shadow plane – Only limited to the Ice Kingdom]

[Shadow Knight: All of the professionals with the classes "Knight", "Cavalry", "Light Cavalry", and "Heavy Cavalry" will turn into Shadow Knights whenever they are transformed into Shadow Soldiers. They will also acquire the Shadow Mounts and the skills corresponding to the "Knight" class. (Incapable of leveling up)]



[Random Skill Book—Only obtainable once from the first clearance of each Shadow Plane] 

[Name: Divine Body Cultivation Method]

[Grade: Unknown]

[Level: Max (cannot be upgraded)]

[Learning Requirements: Limited to "Priest" class.]

[Skill Effect: (Passive) Every time you use your healing skill to restore your health and recover, your constitution and strength points will increase based on what is being restored, and your physical fitness will be strengthened. No upper limit for the gains.]

[Current Constitution Points: None]

[Current Strength Points: None]

[Description: Who said that priests must be bony?]



[Random Dungeon of the Ice Kingdom—Only obtainable once from the first clearance of each Shadow Plane] 

[Dungeon Name: Flame Canyon]

[Dungeon Level and Entry Requirements: Level 5 – All professionals below Level 10.]

[Structure: Three Levels]

[Difficulty: Level 1 (Easy), Level 2 (Normal), Level 3 (Hard)]

[Clearance Reward (First Time): A D-level Growth Fruit for each level can increase the Overall Evaluation of a class once, up to C-level.]

[Dungeon Final Reward (One is guaranteed after the 10th Clearance. The other is guaranteed after the 20th Clearance): Skill Book—Wonderful Journey (1-Star Gold; Level-5 Max; AoE HP Recovery + Attack Boost + Fire Attribute Enhancement) and Inferno Set (1-Star Gold; Level-5 Max; Fire Attribute Enhancement; Comes with set effects)]

[Dungeon Background: A canyon located in the Prongia Empire. The massive lava underground spurts out from time to time. The temperature is scalding. Countless fire-type monsters have spawned in the area.]


[System Notice: You used up your three simulation chances this week. You need to wait until next Monday to start the simulation again.]

[System Notice: After clearing "Ice Kingdom", the next Shadow Plane will be unlocked. You can only enter once your shadow has reached Level 5.]

[System Notice: The Shadow Plane "Ice Kingdom" can now be 'drawn'.]

[Do you wish to proceed with the drawing?]


[NOTE (1): The drawing can change the history of the Ice Kingdom according to your current simulation. After the drawing, the Shadow Plane will disappear, and you will no longer be able to enter it to establish a Shadow Contract. The affinity between you and all the hero souls will be fixed. The hero souls that meet a certain affinity will turn into 'Shadow Avatars' that you can summon using special means.]

[NOTE (2): The Shadow Avatar does not have the self-awareness and memory of a Shadow Hero. It is only an upgraded version of a Shadow Hero with a class panel and combat instincts. It has no growth potential and cannot be upgraded directly, but it can be resurrected and strengthened by special means.]

[NOTE (3): Although you can not re-enter the Ice Kingdom after drawing it, you will gain access to the 'Shattered Ice Kingdom' and retain all the 'Shadow Plane Buffs' you obtained in the Ice Kingdom. (The Shattered Ice Kingdom is extremely difficult. You cannot obtain any Shadow Plane Buffs. There are certain simulation restrictions. Please make sufficient preparations before entering.)]

[NOTE (4): Your shadow can only enter one 'Shadow Plane', one 'Dungeon', or return to reality at any time. (Every time you use the 'Shadow Door' to teleport, there will be a 1-month Cooldown Period.)]


Oh my goodness!

The situation felt so complicated!

Why wasn't Mage Nesia a hero soul? 

Why could Zhang Yun only access the text simulation three times a week? 

Why was it that the next Shadow Plane could only be entered once Brother Shadow was Level 5?

The most important thing was!

What was this 'Drawing' ability?

Change the history of the Ice Kingdom?

Could it be?

Could Brother Shadow actually transmigrate to the past, expunge the original plot in the Ice Kingdom, and incorporate his arrival? Meaning to say, the Five Dragon Generals who should not have died would be annihilated because of Zhang Yun in the new plot?

Wasn't it similar to the ability to control time?

In that case, if Zhang Yun chose to draw now, would the records involving the Ice Kingdom immediately change and reduce the Five Dragon Generals into Three Dragon Generals?


Zhang Yun felt like his brain took too much damage!

It was better not to think about these things for now. He had to quickly pack up the new skill books and equipment. After eating dinner with his aunt and the others, he would slowly study the details!


Author's Note: Asking for monthly votes! With no comments and votes, I am starting to doubt life… w(゚Д゚)w