Pikachu Wolf

Along the way, Dong Lei also looked at the skills he had plundered.

Then, he changed two of Miao Renfeng's skills.

He put Lv2 Su Qin's Back Dagger, the Lv2 Miao Family Dagger Technique in the slots and removed Lv2 Life Stealing Sword Technique and Lv2 Sword Dismemberment.

Level 2 Life Stealing Sword Technique

Level: 2

Effect: Releases a powerful sword beam that increases the damage by 700%.

Cooldown: 15 seconds

Mana Consumption: 110 MP

Proficiency: 0/100

Introduction: This is the exclusive skill of the Soul Chasing Wu Chen. The skill is especially powerful…

Level 2 Sword Dismemberment

Level: 2

Effect: Transforms into an incomparably powerful sword beam that increases damage by 690%.

Cooldown: 15 seconds

Mana Consumption: 110 MP

Proficiency: 0/100