How Kind Her Heart Is

"You have successfully killed Undead Stinky Black-Robed Mage (Epic Elite). You have received 1,120,000 EXP, 1 attribute point, and 310,000 Military Merits."

"Congratulations, you have triggered a random 100x amplification. You have received 133.2 million EXP, 121 attribute points, and 36.4 million Military Merits."

"You have successfully killed Undead Stinky Black-Robed Mage (Epic Elite). Obtained…"

"Congratulations, you have plundered all the skills of the Undead Stinky Black-Robed Mage (Epic Elite), including Level 1 Black Arrow, Level 1 Hellfire, Level 1 Dark Binding, and Level 1 Black Flame."

Just as Dong Lei killed these smelly black-robed Mages, the gamers behind him were dumbfounded again.

Then, the gamers cheered and praised enthusiastically…

"He's too powerful! Brother Peak Destroyer stood and killed them! None of these black-robed Mages touched him!"