I Can Only Let You Go After Emasculating You

Evil Envoy: Childless Mu Renqing (Legendary Elite)

Level: 55

Tier: Legendary Elite

HP: 3,800,000/3,800,000

Physical Attack/Magic Attack: 275,500-300,100

Defense: 88,400

Skills: Sole Fishing Cold Evil Technique, Otherworld Flying Bug Technique, Yaksha Kick, Demon Vanishing Spear

Introduction: General of the Undead Army, one of the stronger ones in the Evil camp…

Evil Envoy: Rapist Yu Zhengzi (Legendary Elite)

Level: 54

Tier: Legendary Elite

HP: 3,800,000/3,800,000

Physical Attack/Magic Attack: 285,400-289,990

Defense: 91,500

Skills: Evil Ghost Explosion Technique, Water Demon Transformation, Ghost Chant, Ghost Lightning

Introduction: General of the Undead Army. He only kills the innocent people of the Evil Faction…

Evil Envoy: Myriad Mu Shang (Legendary Elite)

Level: 54