When the Time Comes, Just Tell Tang Tingbai that the Koduck Is Dead

It was also a world mainly ruled by mutated beasts.

Dong Lei had just entered the periphery of the Dark Cellar.

As he went deeper from the periphery, the strength of the mutated beasts increased.

The stronger the mutated beasts, the more they usually occupied the center and depths.

To show how powerful they were…

With Dong Lei's current strength, he could only wander around the periphery.

In Dong Lei's opinion, he was still invincible below the quasi-king level.

As for the King-level mutated beasts, there was still a chance of winning.

When it came to mutated beasts above the quasi Emperor Realm, Dong Lei had to avoid them.

It was obvious how terrifying the overall strength of the mutated beasts in the entire Dark Cellar and in the depths were.

The Dark Fire Dragons that rushed out were only the small leaders of the mutated beasts in the periphery.