Another Young Master, Zhuge Chengren

In the four empires, as long as one's strength and military strength were exceptionally high, they would be superior.

Then, the ruler of the empire would announce his order and they would become a lord.

In other words, after becoming a Nine-Diamond War General, he could no longer level up.

Then, for the sake of power, the ruler of the Empire would arrange for them to find a city far away from the capital and build a lord's residence.

As a top-notch War General, he would be stripped of all military power and become an idle person. He would be known as a lord.

After all, if top-notch War Generals were too popular, they would be a threat to the king.

Of course, they didn't want to see this top War General become a king.

However, many people were called lords by the king. His or her forces were filled with complicated relationships.

These lords were unwilling to be called irrelevant people.