Eight Lives of Blessings

"It's fine. I hope that your brother has time to play games and develop in the game!"

"However, I'm very busy in the game. I might not be able to help your brother too much."

Dong Lei touched Kong Hanliu's forehead and smiled.


Kong Hanliu was smart and did not say anything.

After all, in Kong Hanliu's opinion, Dong Lei could earn hundreds of billions of dragon coins by playing games so hard.

Dong Lei must be very hardworking.

Otherwise, how could it have happened in such a short period of time?

It could turn the 10 billion he charged into hundreds of billions!

As for whether he would be able to help his younger brother, Kong Liudong…

That was also whether Dong Lei was willing or not.

Although Kong Liudong was now Dong Lei's brother-in-law, the Dong family had already given their Kong family a lot.

If not for Dong Lei, the Kong family would still be in the civilian area, struggling to live.