Jade Dew Demon Transformation Technique

Moreover, with the arrival of Third Elder Leng Pujie, the disciples felt that Dong Lei would suffer again.

Someone must have come to protect Dong Lei yesterday.

Otherwise, how could Third Elder Leng Pujie let this Leng Feng go!

He made Leng Feng leave his last words.

However, on the Endless Arena today, Third Elder Leng Pujie came again.

It represented that the person who had protected Leng Feng seemed to have changed his mind again.

Moreover, the disciples also realized that Principal Duan Zengming was not present.

They were quite surprised.

Then, Third Elder Leng Pujie came to the Endless Arena again.

It could only mean that Dong Lei was in danger again.

As instructors, they felt the same way.

The principal, Duan Zengming, didn't appear, which surprised the teachers.

Today, Third Elder Leng Pujie came to the Endless Arena again.