The Angry Jiang Longjie

However, on the surface, Jiang Longjie was still calm and composed.

He stood there and watched his subordinates rush over.

This subordinate was called Xu Hetai and had the level and strength of an Emperor.

He had a thick beard, was tall and burly, and was powerful.

In an instant, Xu Hetai arrived in front of Jiang Longjie. His face was a little pale as he spoke in a rough voice.

"Deputy Hall Master Jiang, something seems to have happened!"

"After Lords Jiang Wanhuo and Jiang Wanshui entered Han Yunshi's Deputy City Lord Residence, there was no sign of them!"

"According to the report, there seems to be the sound of a battle coming from Han Yunshi's Deputy City Lord Manor."

When this Emperor-level subordinate, Xu Hetai, told Jiang Longjie the truth, Jiang Longjie could no longer hold on.

In an instant, Jiang Longjie's expression became extremely ugly, and his body trembled for the first time.