Guest Elders Chen Xinmei and Tong Ba Begging for Mercy

His reaction was very fast. Immediately, a Moon Three Pavilions Saber appeared in his hand, wanting to attack Dong Lei.

At the same time, the two guest elders, Chen Xinmei and Tong Ba, were still laughing foolishly on both sides of the second-in-charge.

Dong Lei's speed was even faster and simpler. The Big Dipper Green Light Staff had accumulated light for so long.

Under Dong Lei's increasingly fast footsteps, the Big Dipper Green Light Staff directly smashed into the stomach of the second-in-charge, Kai Yinliu.

The Big Dipper Green Light Staff released light and also hit the second-in-charge's body.


Just as the second-in-charge was about to shoot back, Dong Lei grabbed him.

Behind the second-in-charge's body, the countless bones in his body squeezed into a circle.

In an instant, the second-in-charge, Kai Yinliu, had been instantly killed by Dong Lei.